1917-1924 Russia quiz

How did the Bolsheviks establish control between 1917-1924?

what is democratic centralism?
true democracy lies in the obedience of party members following the instructions of its leaders
1 of 5
what is bureaucracy?
important decisions are made by state officials as opposed to democratically elected representatives
2 of 5
what does the 'ban on factionalism' mean to you?
the ban on sub-groups within the Bolshevik party based on complaint or grievance. Made freedom of speech and criticism hard for party memebers.
3 of 5
what does authoritarianism mean?
Lenin returned the USSR back to an absolute state that had many similarities with that of the days of monarchy in Russia. Lenin as absolute leader.
4 of 5
what was banned in the USSR during this time?
public worship, trade unions and egalitarian legal trials
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is bureaucracy?


important decisions are made by state officials as opposed to democratically elected representatives

Card 3


what does the 'ban on factionalism' mean to you?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does authoritarianism mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was banned in the USSR during this time?


Preview of the front of card 5


Eleanor Beresford


the last question, I thought that Lenin didn't want to control culture in this time, and that is was during Stalin's rule that culture was completely controlled? Lenin believed culture to be more important than Communism and that old should be mixed with new.




Lots of Love,

Krillebooi xo



I agree with Eleanor...the last part of question 7 is in fact false as he wanted art to be free and not relate to Russian society.

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