19TH AND 20TH CENTURY TIMELINE OVERVIEW 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEOCR Created by: ChlouijaCreated on: 22-04-17 23:48 1796 Jenner discovers smallpox vaccination. 1 of 25 1832 Cholera epidemic. 2 of 25 1842 Chadwick's report on public health. 3 of 25 1847 Simpson discovers chloroform sends patients to sleep. 4 of 25 1848 First Public Health Act 5 of 25 1853 Smallpox vaccination compulsory 6 of 25 1854 Cholera epidemic, John Snow discovers cholera is spread in water, Crimean War Nightingale encourages cleaning hospitals to prevent infection. 7 of 25 1857 Queen Victoria uses chloroform in childbirth, death rates from operations go up. 8 of 25 1861 Pasteur's germ theory. 9 of 25 1865 Lister discovers and proves carbolic acid can be used to kill germs during operations. 10 of 25 1867 Poor people gained the vote. 11 of 25 1872 Koch investigates different germs which cause disease. 12 of 25 1875 Public Health Act: Towns must clean streets and sewers, towns can charge taxes to do so. 13 of 25 1879 Pasteur finds a vaccination for chicken cholera using weakened germs. 14 of 25 1890 Halstead suggests using rubber gloves during surgery. 15 of 25 1900 Landsteiner discovers blood groups. 16 of 25 1906-11 Liberal reforms. 17 of 25 1911 First 'Magic Bullet' cures an infection, syphilis. 18 of 25 1914-18 Plastic surgery improved because of wounds during WW1. 19 of 25 1928 Fleming discovers that penicillin kills germs. 20 of 25 1930s Fleming and Florey develop penicillin. 21 of 25 1939-45 Penicillin is mass-produced due to WW2. 22 of 25 1948 NHS is founded. 23 of 25 1967 First heart transplant is done. 24 of 25 1980s Deaths from AIDS begin. 25 of 25
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