2016 Water Aid Advert - Representation

In Alvarado's theory, what are the four racial stereotypes used in media texts?
Exotic, Dangerous, Humorous & Pitied
1 of 4
What is an archetype?
A typical example of a certain person or a thing.
2 of 4
Why has Water Aid moved away from using the archetype of a 'victim' in the 'Rain for Good' advertisement?
The public has become desensitised to this method of appeal.
3 of 4
What affect does a narrative in a charity advertisement, like in Rain for Good, have?
It makes the story more believable and personal
4 of 4

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Card 2


What is an archetype?


A typical example of a certain person or a thing.

Card 3


Why has Water Aid moved away from using the archetype of a 'victim' in the 'Rain for Good' advertisement?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What affect does a narrative in a charity advertisement, like in Rain for Good, have?


Preview of the front of card 4


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