3. Illnesses and Health Conditions

  • Created by: ellietuke
  • Created on: 12-05-17 13:12
Hereditary: Tourette's- Physical
Tic present for at least a year- vocal or physical. Injury. E.g. hitting, kicking, biting. Vocal tics. Uncomfortable sensations prior to tics. Side effects of medication.
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Hereditary: Tourette's- Intellectual
Hard to keep a job due to social attitudes. Can't develop social skills. Hard for children to remain in school. Worry about communicating. Affect handwriting and reading. Increase under stressful situations.
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Hereditary: Tourette's- Emotional
Very frustrating as they can't control their body. Can become angry. Violent outbreaks. Lonely, as know else is experiencing the same thing.
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Hereditary: Tourette's- Social
May find it difficult to stay in school/work and meet new people. Low self-esteem so won't make new friends. Hard to find friends as they don't understand the condition.
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Hereditary: Tourette's- Financial
Extra treatments can be expensive if not available on the NHS. Sport is recommended which can add extra price for equipment & classes.
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Hereditary: Sickle Cell Anaemia- Physical
Faulty genes affect how red blood cells develop. Experience painful episodes which can by very severe and last upto a week. Increased risk of serious infection. Tired. Delayed growth.
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Hereditary: Sickle Cell Anaemia- Intellectual
During painful times it can be hard to concentrate. May have to have time off of work/school. Time out for doctor's appointments.
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Hereditary: Sickle Cell Anaemia- Emotional
Frustration due to unpredictable bouts of pain. Can experience depression due to the pain. Isolation.
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Hereditary: Sickle Cell Anaemia- Social
Isolated and alone as no one understands their condition. Aren't many people that can relate to them. Hard to maintain relationships due to time spent in hospital. Can cause strain on family relationships.
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Hereditary: Sickle Cell Anaemia- Financial
Extra treatments (psychological) not on the NHS can add a cost. Unemployment as can't get the work done. Rely on benefits.
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Genetic Predisposition: Multiple Sclerosis- Physical
Affects the brain and/or spinal cord. Problems with vision, arm or leg movement. Tire easily. Problems with balance or coordination. Dizzy spells. Disturbed sleep.
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Genetic Predisposition: Multiple Sclerosis- Intellectual
Memory problems. Hard to gain qualifications/maintain a job. Can't learn new skills/develop old ones.
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Genetic Predisposition: Multiple Sclerosis- Emotional
Depressed as it is a life changing illness. Can be hard to adapt to a new lifestyle, experience mood swings. Self-esteem may be lowered as they're different to everyone else. Frustrated. Worried/anxious about the future.
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Genetic Predisposition: Multiple Sclerosis- Social
Find it difficult to attend social events due to lack of mobility. Spend time in hospital, hard to maintain friendships. People may not understand their situation, begin to feel isolated.
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Genetic Predisposition: Multiple Sclerosis- Financial
Reduce the hours they work, reduced income. Eventually have to leave their work. Claim benefits and rely on them. Pay for adaptations to their home (e.g. stair lift).
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Genetic Predisposition: Spina Bifida- Physical
Spine or spinal cord don't develop properly in the womb, causing a gap in the spine. Lack of motion and ROM at the joint. Weakness or total paralysis of the legs. Bowel & urinary problems. Loss of sensation.
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Genetic Predisposition: Spina Bifida- Intellectual
Short attention span making it difficult to concentrate. Can't gain qualifications due to amount of time spent in hospital. Can't understand fast spoken language.
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Genetic Predisposition: Spina Bifida- Emotional
Become reserved or withdrawn leading to feelings of depression and isolation. Feelings of anger or frustration. Lower their self-confidence as they aren't able to take part in activities.
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Genetic Predisposition: Spina Bifida- Social
Aren't able to make new friends or meet new people due to the situation they're in. May feel isolated in a hospital environment. Friends can't relate to their situation which can make it difficult for them to make plans and communicate.
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Genetic Predisposition: Spina Bifida- Financial
Pay for specialist equipment (e.g. crutches and ankle supports). May have to invest in new equipment for their house or may have to move house to a more suited accommodation.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: ADHD- Physical
Inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Unable to sit still, constantly fidgeting. Excessive movement. Outbursts in physical movement.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: ADHD- Intellectual
Careless mistakes, fail to finish tasks at school/work. Difficult to concentrate on one specific task. Easily distracted by irrelevant thoughts.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: ADHD- Emotional
Mood swings. Experience stress or tension due to their lifestyle. Anxiety disorders. Depression as their behaviour is uncontrollable and they don't understand. Become impatient and frustrated very easily.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: ADHD- Social
Don't understand social rules do to the impulsiveness of the disorder, can cause them to come across as rude to others. Interrupt conversations and become easily agitated. Don't often notice how their behaviour affects other people.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: ADHD- Financial
Hard to get/keep a job due to the nature of the work. Some cognitive therapies may not be available on the NHS but can be very useful to certain patients.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: Obesity- Physical
Increased body fat. Increased risk of strokes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Reduced life expectancy. Extra pressure on joints and limbs.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: Obesity- Intellectual
Educate themselves on the disease to increase their understanding. Improve their lifestyle in a healthier way. Increase their motivation to lose weight.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: Obesity- Emotional
Lead to depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and low body image. Children can become very isolated. Become angry with themselves for getting themselves in that situation.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: Obesity- Social
Suffer from discrimination in situations due to their weight (e.g employment, travel, schooling). Have fewer friends as people don't understand their situation. Can make friends to lose weight with as they understand each other's situation.
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Combination of Genetic & Environmental: Obesity- Financial
Take time off of work as they are no longer able to get there. Become bed bound as meaning they cant get a source of income. Got to rely on benefits. Some diets can be very expensive. Healthy food isn't as readily available.
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Age-Related: Osteoporosis- Physical
Weakened bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. Experience fractures, sometimes through a cough or a sneeze. Stooped posture (bent over).
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Age-Related: Osteoporosis- Intellectual
Can lose their independence and have to rely on carers and family members. No longer able to work as they can't travel. Could take early retirement as they're no longer able to their job.
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Age-Related: Osteoporosis- Emotional
Can vary depending on the severity of the situation. Some are relieved to be diagnosed before it turns into a serious situation. Initially they can be shocked or depressed, can then continue to develop and worsen or get better.
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Age-Related: Osteoporosis- Social
Fear of falling can stop them from leaving the house. They may spend all their time inside making it difficult to maintain relationships or create new ones. Don't want to attend social events as they may feel like a burden.
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Age-Related: Osteoporosis- Financial
Pay for long-term nursing care to help with everyday tasks. Treatment not on the NHS can impose a cost (private health care). Loss of an income as they have to leave work.
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Age-Related: Cardiovascular Disease- Physical
Chest pains can occur regularly. Strokes. Upper body discomfort. Nausea, vomiting. Problems sleeping.
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Age-Related: Cardiovascular Disease- Intellectual
Stay at home, may not be able to leave the house and have any mental stimulation. Could research new treatments. Find hobbies to stimulate their mind.
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Age-Related: Cardiovascular Disease- Emotional
Living with a disease can cause fear, anxiety, depression and isolation. They may block people out as they don't want to be a burden.
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Age-Related: Cardiovascular Disease- Social
Find it hard to meet new people due to fear. May not have the energy to maintain relationships. Family may find it hard to maintain relationships as they could become bitter or they may not want to see them in a painful state.
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Age-Related: Cardiovascular Disease- Financial
Can receive extra benefits due to their condition. Extra treatments may have a cost (not on the NHS). May have to buy equipment for their house to help their condition, e.g. stair lift.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Hereditary: Tourette's- Intellectual


Hard to keep a job due to social attitudes. Can't develop social skills. Hard for children to remain in school. Worry about communicating. Affect handwriting and reading. Increase under stressful situations.

Card 3


Hereditary: Tourette's- Emotional


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Hereditary: Tourette's- Social


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Hereditary: Tourette's- Financial


Preview of the front of card 5
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