• Protection from ingestion/aspiration
• Retraction/protection pf soft tissues
• Better visibility
• Reduction of delays during treatment
• Patients and dentists more relaxed
• Dentists and nurses are protected against infections which can be transmitt
2 of 13
what equipment is required
rubber dam material, rubber dam clamps, carrying forceps, punch, frames, templates, wedgets (elastic )cord, floss, rubber dam napkin
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what are the symptoms and the treatment for type I- anaphylaxis
Symptoms: swelling, light headedness, dizziness, oedema, erythema, itching, difficulty breathing.
Treatment: assess patient and call ambulance. 0.5 ml (1:1000) epinephrine IM (adult). Repeat after 5mins if needed. 100% oxygen- 10 litres/min
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when are winged and wingless clamps placed
winged= placed with rubber dam attached to clamp
wingless= placed on too before applying rubber dam
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Talk about passive clamp
4 points of contact have a flat approach to the crown of the toot.
Not aggressive
Suits most molars/premolars with an intact crown
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talk about active clamp
A good choice if the tooth is badly broken down, partially erupted or has no undercut.
An aggressive clamp- do not use on ceramic crowns
May traumatise gingival tissues ( give LA before to avoid this)
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how to achieve fluid tight seal
By using correct size hole punch or by light curing a rubber dam liquid
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why should we place floss around clamp being used
to allow its retrieval if it flies off or breaks
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method 1 of placing rubber dam:
Dentist can set up in advance and carry clamp, RD and frame to tooth
- Once the clamp has been firmly seated a flat plastic is used to flick dam off and under wings
If frame has not been attached
- Once clamp/ dam is placed, napkin is placed behind RD an
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method 2 of placing rubber dam:
Using a wingless or winged clamp
The clamp is placed directly on the tooth
RD is stretched over the clamp
Clamp MUST be tied with floss as a precaution against fracture or dislodgement
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method 3 of placing rubber dam:
anterior teeth
This can be used instead of using the aggressive anterior clamp
Punch a series of 8 holes (from premolar on one side to the canine on the other side)
Place topical around tooth being clamped
Seat clamp on premolar tooth (ensure stable)
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what is the method for when you have to place a rubber dam on a very badly broken down tooth/ bridgework
Split dam technique
Clamps are placed on teeth mesial and distal to broken tooth
3 holes are made in dam and joined together with scissors
Dam is stretched over the 3 teeth
Requires extra protection from salivary contamination/ leakage by suing cotton w
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are some advantages of rubber dam
• Protection from ingestion/aspiration
• Retraction/protection pf soft tissues
• Better visibility
• Reduction of delays during treatment
• Patients and dentists more relaxed
• Dentists and nurses are protected against infections which can be transmitt
Card 3
what equipment is required
Card 4
what are the symptoms and the treatment for type I- anaphylaxis
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