antimicrobial agents placed in root canals between appointment
2 of 9
what normally happens at 1st and 2nd visit when doing a RCT
1. clean and shape RC
2. fill/ obturate RC
3 of 9
What is the aim of the interappoinement disinfectant?
reduce and prevent multiplication of microorganisms that. remain following careful cleaning and shaping.
prevent reinfection through coronal and apical leakage
4 of 9
what are the requirement of an interrapoinemnt disinfect
must be:
long lasting, no systemic effect, non irritating to periradicular tissues, not damaging to the other tooth surface or restorative material
5 of 9
what uses does CaOH have in Endodontics
pulp capping, apexification, interappoinemnt medicament, root canal sealer, during treatment of root perforations/ fractures/ absorption and dental trauma
6 of 9
what does CaOH medicament do
reduced inflammation, kills bacteria and inactivates endotoxin, helps eliminate epical exudate, controls inflammatory root resorption, prevents contamination between appointments
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talk through the placement of CaOH medicament
dry canal with sterile paper points measured to WL. The canal should be completely filled without extruding any excess
8 of 9
if canals are filled with exudate, how do teeth present ?
may be asymptomatic but are often TTP and tender to percussion
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are interappointment medicaments
antimicrobial agents placed in root canals between appointment
Card 3
what normally happens at 1st and 2nd visit when doing a RCT
Card 4
What is the aim of the interappoinement disinfectant?
Card 5
what are the requirement of an interrapoinemnt disinfect
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