Mysterious, unconventional, romantic, spirited hero (Heathcliff is a good example)
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Helpless Victimised Women
Often appear in gothic texts as the catalyst of action for the byronic hero
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Gothic settings
typically isolated, gothic architecture, pathetic fallacy, not homely
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Often characters or plot lines will have an element of secrecy adding intrigue for readers.
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Seven deadly sins
Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride. Dr Faustus
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Religious imagery
In many gothic text, the idea of the religious is closely intertwined with the things that go wrong
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The idea of social hierarchy and that this is bad for people
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The fights for equality between men and women. Big in the 1980's
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The idea of purity is closely linked with many texts e.g the Bloody Chamber
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Binary Oppisites
The Idea that some things can only really be appreciated when you compare them to the opposite. E.g. Life and Death
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Band 6 - AIM FOR
Points falling into categories: Production - Background on auhor. Themes - Marx/Feminism etc. Gothic themes - motifs/characteristics Link to other texts- Summarise
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Often appear in gothic texts as the catalyst of action for the byronic hero
Helpless Victimised Women
Card 3
typically isolated, gothic architecture, pathetic fallacy, not homely
Card 4
Often characters or plot lines will have an element of secrecy adding intrigue for readers.
Card 5
Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride. Dr Faustus
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