la vida sana 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SpanishASAQA Created by: HarrietCreated on: 28-10-12 14:23 desnatado skimmed 1 of 40 el almibar syrup 2 of 40 el alquitran tar 3 of 40 amargar to embitter 4 of 40 asqueroso disgusting 5 of 40 la bolleria cakes, buns 6 of 40 una cabra a goat 7 of 40 un cachi (slang) a plastic cup 8 of 40 una caldita (slang) a drag, a puff 9 of 40 un calimocho red wine mixed with cola 10 of 40 casero home made 11 of 40 la cefalea migraine 12 of 40 el chicle chewing gum 13 of 40 las chucherias sweets, treats 14 of 40 un colega (slang) a mate 15 of 40 el combustible fuel 16 of 40 compaginar to combine 17 of 40 conllevar to bring with it 18 of 40 emborracharse to get drunk 19 of 40 un emilio an email 20 of 40 emprender to take on 21 of 40 envenenarse to poison oneself 22 of 40 equilibrar to balance 23 of 40 (estar) agotado to be exhausted 24 of 40 fastidiar to annoy 25 of 40 el fontanero plumber 26 of 40 las hortalizas vegetables 27 of 40 los lacteos dairy products 28 of 40 las legumbres pulses 29 of 40 menos mal que it's a good job that.. 30 of 40 una multa a fine 31 of 40 negarse a to refuse to 32 of 40 picotear to nibble 33 of 40 un presupuesto a quote, estimate 34 of 40 repugnar to disgust 35 of 40 rollizo chubby, plump 36 of 40 la sandia watermelon 37 of 40 el sindrome de abstincencia withdrawal symptons 38 of 40 sonar to dream 39 of 40 tener una resaca to have a hangover 40 of 40
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