4.3-Churchill's Contributions to International Conferences
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- Created by: Heather
- Created on: 16-02-15 15:15
What/Where is the first conference in August 1941?
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland
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Who attends the Placentia Bay Conference?
Churchill and Roosevelt,
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What main document was decided between the 2 wartime leaders and what did this document promise?
-Atlantic Charter, -Both countries promised to uphold democracy and freedom of trade,
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What did Roosevelt also agree with Churchill about deals?
They agreed there would be no deals between the USSR and GB reagrding Eastern Europe,
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What are the positivies of this agreement for Churchill?
It creates a friendship with the USA
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What are the negatives of this agreement for Churchill?
Both wartime leaders have different views about the Atlantic Charter- Churchill believes democracy means to stand against fascism and communism but Roosevelt thinks it applies to the Empire- especially GB's.
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When was the 2nd Moscow Conference and who was it between?
-August 1942, -between Churchill and Stalin,
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At this conference, what did the USSR demand as part of WW2?
He demanded a second front,
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Why was Churchill against a second front at this time and what was the Russians feelings towards this other alternative?
Churchill explained his "soft underbelly strategy" to Stalin abotu invading Italy which was met with Russian resistance,
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The treaty signed between GB and the USSR contained weak promises/ hints about what two aspects?
1) Chruchill promised a second front, 2)Britain would recognise the 1941 boundries,
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What are the positives for Churchill?
-They get on well after sharing Churchill's drinking habits, -Acceptance of the Mediteranean Strategy,
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What are the negatives for Churchill?
He is making promises to a vicious dictator who supports Communism,
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What is the next conference between Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and when is it?
Casablanca Conference -January 1943,
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What does Churchill give to Roosevelt?
Churchill gives to Roosevelt his only painting from WW2,
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What are the positives for Churchill?
Roosevelt and Churchill are gaining in friendship and he gets a painting from Churchill,
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What are the negatives for Churchill?
The Meditereanean Strategy which Churchill persauded Roosevelt to support fails,
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When is the Tehran Conference?
November-December 1943,
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Who attends this meeting and what are they named?
-Roosevelt, -Stalin, -The Big 2 1/2
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What is the main discussion of this conference after the failure of the Meditereanean Strategy?
The invasion of Northern France for the Summer 1944
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Who would command this invasion?
The Americans under Alanbrooke and Eisenhower
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What was also agreed about Japan?
Stalin agreed to commit forces against Japan after Germany's defeat,
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What did Roosevelt and GB have to agree for this?
The yhad to agree that they would support Stalin in Yugoslavia
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What was also discussed on the topic of after Germany had fallen?
The partition of Germany
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What were the positives for Churchill?
Operation Overlord would commence with the support of the USA which is also waht de Gaulle wanted,
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What are the negatives for Churchill?
He was left out of the conference, known as the Big 2 1/2, -Also, Roosevelt kept Churchill at a distance and moved closer to Stalin,
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What was the name of the next conference in October 1944?
4th Moscow
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Who attended this conference?
-Churchill, -Stalin,
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What document was agreed at this Conference and what did it state?
The Percentages Agreement- Churchill agreed that Stalin would divide Eastern Europe into spheres of influence,
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What were there conservations about by Churchill?
The division of Poland
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What was Churchill's Statement about Romania?
That is was a "Russian Affair"
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What were the positives for Churchill?
The Percentages Agreements prevens WW3 and stops Operation Unthinkable
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What are the negatives for Churchill?
The Percentages Agreement was undemocratic as divided countries with out their say- the "naughty document"
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Which was the next conference was between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin and when was it?
yalta -February 1945
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What did Churchill and Roosevelt accept about Stalin's terms but what did he make vague promises in order for this?
They accepted Stalin's control of Eastern Europe but he only made vague promises about upholding democracy with elections but not enforced,
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What did Roosevelt state about US military forces?
He stated that US military forces would only be deployed for another 2 years at the most,
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What was agreed about Germany?
They agreed on the Bombing of Dresden,
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What were the positives for Churchill?
-Stalin promised free elections for Eastern Europe, -Zones decided and Big Three conference,
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What were the negatives for Churchill?
The bombing of Dresden which is seen as inhumane and questionable motives due to the closeness of the end of WW2,
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What is the last war conference from July-August 1945 and between who?
-Potsdam, -Churchill, Attlee, Truman, Stalin,
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At Yalta, Stalin promised free elections when invading India and did he uphold these here?
No- it was taken by force with no choice,
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What did they agree about Germany?
They agreed to divide Germany up into 4 sections each for the 4 Allies- GB, F, USA and USSR and the same with the capital Berlin,
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What are the positives for Churchill?
The roles of Germany are sorted and Stalin agreed to help finish war in Japan
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What are the negatives for Churchill?
he lost PM elections so didnt finish the war conferences,
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who attends the Placentia Bay Conference?
Churchill and Roosevelt,
Card 3
What main document was decided between the 2 wartime leaders and what did this document promise?

Card 4
What did Roosevelt also agree with Churchill about deals?

Card 5
What are the positivies of this agreement for Churchill?

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