49.Circulatory Systems
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- Created by: kpaul1234
- Created on: 26-05-21 13:24
Define a circulatory system
A physiological system consisting of a muscular pump (heart), a fluid (blood or hemolymph), and a series of conduits (blood vessels) that transports materials around the body.
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Define a Cardiovascular system
The heart, blood, and vessels are of a circulatory system.
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Define a Gastrovascular system
Serving for both digestion (gastro) and circulation (vascular); in particular, the central cavity of the body of jellyfish and other cnidarians.
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Define a Heart
In circulatory systems, a muscular pump that moves extracellular fluid around the body.
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Define a Hemolymph
The extracellular fluid in closed circulatory systems.
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Define extracellular fluid
In closed circulatory systems refers to the fluid in the circulatory system and the fluid outside it.
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Define an Open Circulatory Sytem
Circulatory system in which extracellular fluid leaves the vessels of the circulatory system, percolates between cells and through tissues, and then flows back into the circulatory system to be pumped out again. (Contrast with closed circulatory system.)
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Define a Closed Circulatory System
Circulatory system in which the circulating fluid is contained within a continuous system of vessels. (Contrast with open circulatory system.)
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Define a Pulmonary Circuit
The portion of the circulatory system by which blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs or gills for oxygenation and back to the heart for distribution. (Contrast with systemic circuit.)
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Define an Artery
A muscular blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart to other parts of the body. (Contrast with vein.)
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Define an ateriole
A small blood vessel arising from an artery that feeds blood into a capillary bed.
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Define a Capillary
Very small tubes, especially the smallest blood-carrying vessels of animals between the termination of the arteries and the beginnings of the veins. Capillary beds are networks of capillaries where materials are exchanged between the blood and the interst
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Define a Venule
A small blood vessel draining a capillary bed that joins others of its kind to form a vein. (Contrast with arteriole.)
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Define a Vein
A blood vessel that returns blood to the heart. (Contrast with artery.)
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Define a Sinus Venosus
The first chamber of the heart of fish that opens into the atrium.
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Define an Atrium
An internal chamber. In the hearts of vertebrates, the thin-walled chamber(s) entered by blood on its way to the ventricle(s). Also, the outer ear.
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Define a Ventricle
A muscular heart chamber that pumps blood through the lungs or through the body.
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Define Bulbus Arteriosus
The last chamber of the fish heart.
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Define an Aorta
The main trunk of the arteries leading to the systemic (as opposed to the pulmonary) circulation.
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Define an Atrioventricular Valve (AV)
A heart valve between an atrium and a ventricle.
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Define a Tricuspid Valve
The right AV valve. So named because it has three leaves.
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Define a Bicuspid Valve
The left AV valve. So named because it has two leaves.
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Define a Mitral Valve
See bicuspid valve. So named because it has a similar shape to a miter (a religious headdress).
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Define an Aortic Valve
A one-way valve between the left ventricle of the heart and the aorta that prevents backflow of blood into the ventricle when it relaxes.
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Define a Pulmonary Valve
A one-way valve between the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary artery that prevents backflow of blood into the ventricle when it relaxes.
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Define a Superior (Upper) Vena Cava
Large vein that returns deoxygenated blood to the right atrium from the upper body.
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Define a Inferior (Lower) Vena Cava
Large vein that returns deoxygenated blood to the right atrium from the lower body.
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Define a Pulmonary Artery
In vertebrates, blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs.
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Define a Pulmonary Vein
Veins that return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium.
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Define a Cardiac Cycle
Contraction of the two atria of the heart, followed by contraction of the two ventricles and then relaxation.
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Define Systole
Contraction of a chamber of the heart, driving blood forward in the circulatory system. (Contrast with diastole.)
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Define Diastole
The portion of the cardiac cycle when the heart muscle relaxes. (Contrast with systole.)
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Define a Pacemaker Cell
Cardiac cells that can initiate action potentials without stimulation from the nervous system, allowing the heart to initiate its own contractions.
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Define a Sinoatrial Node
The pacemaker of the mammalian heart.
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Define an Atrioventricular Node
A modified node of cardiac muscle that organizes the action potentials that control contraction of the ventricles.
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Define a Bundle of His
Fibers of modified cardiac muscle that conduct action potentials from the atria to the ventricular muscle mass.
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Define a Purkinje Fibre
Specialized heart muscle cells that conduct excitation throughout the ventricular muscle.
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Define an Electrocardiogram
A graphic recording of electrical potentials from the heart.
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Define a Platelet
A membrane-bounded body without a nucleus, arising as a fragment of a cell in the bone marrow of mammals. Important to blood-clotting action.
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Define an Erythrocyte
A red blood cell.
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Define an erythropoietin (EPO)
A hormone produced by the kidney in response to lack of oxygen that stimulates the production of red blood cells.
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Define Hypoxia
A deficiency of oxygen.
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Define a Spleen
Organ that serves as a reservoir for venous blood and eliminates old, damaged red blood cells from the circulation.
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Define a Megakaryocyte
A bone marrow cell that produces blood platelets.
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Define Blood Clotting
A cascade of events involving platelets and circulating proteins (clotting factors) that seals damaged blood vessels.
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Define Prothrombin
The inactive form of thrombin, an enzyme involved in blood clotting.
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Define Thrombin
An enzyme involved in blood clotting; cleaves fibrinogen to form fibrin.
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Define Fibrinogen
A circulating protein that can be stimulated to fall out of solution and provide the structure for a blood clot.
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Define Fibrin
A protein that polymerizes to form long threads that provide structure to a blood clot.
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Define a Starling Force
The two opposing forces responsible for water movement across capillary walls: blood pressure, which squeezes water and small solutes out of the capillaries, and osmotic pressure, which pulls water back into the capillaries.
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Define Fenestration
Small holes in the walls of some capillaries.
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Define a blood-brain barrier
The selective impermeability of blood vessels in the brain that prevents most chemicals from diffusing from the blood into the brain.
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State the Frank-Starling Law
The principle that the stroke volume of the heart increases with increased return of blood to the heart.
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Define a Lymph
A fluid derived from blood and other tissues that accumulates in intercellular spaces throughout the body and is returned to the blood by the lymphatic system.
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Define a Lymphatic Duct
One of two large lymphatic vessels that drains lymph into a subclavian vein
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Define a Thoracic Duct
The connection between the lymphatic system and the circulatory system.
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Define a Lymph Node
A specialized structure in the vessels of the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes contain lymphocytes, which encounter and respond to foreign cells and molecules in the lymph as it passes through the vessels.
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Define Atherosclerosis
] A disease of the lining of the arteries characterized by fatty, cholesterol-rich deposits in the walls of the arteries. When fibroblasts infiltrate these deposits and calcium precipitates in them, the disease becomes arteriosclerosis, or “hardening of t
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Define Plaque
A circular clearing in a layer (lawn) of bacteria growing on the surface of a nutrient agar gel. (2) An accumulation of prokaryotic organisms on tooth enamel. Acids produced by these microorganisms cause tooth decay. (3) A region of arterial wall invaded
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Define a Thrombus
A blood clot that forms within a blood vessel and remains attached to the wall of the vessel. (Contrast with embolus.)
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Define a Coronary Artery
An artery that serves the cardiac muscles.
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Define Coronary Thrombosis
A blood clot in a blood vessel of the heart.
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Define Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Blockage of an artery that carries blood to the heart muscle; a “heart attack.”
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Define an Embolus
A circulating blood clot. Blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus or a bubble of gas is called an embolism. (Contrast with thrombus.)
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Define a Stroke
An embolism in an artery in the brain that causes the cells fed by that artery to die. The specific damage, such as memory loss, speech impairment, or paralysis, depends on the location of the blocked artery.
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Define a Precapillary Sphincter
A cuff of smooth muscle that can shut off the blood flow to a capillary bed.
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Define Angiotensin
A peptide hormone that raises blood pressure by causing peripheral vessels to constrict. Also maintains glomerular filtration by constricting efferent vessels and stimulates thirst and the release of aldosterone.
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Define a Baroreceptor
A pressure-sensing cell or organ. Sometimes called a stress receptor.
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Define Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)/Vasopressin
A hormone that promotes water reabsorption by the kidney. Produced by neurons in the hypothalamus and released from nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary. Also called antidiuretic hormone or ADH.
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Define a Chemoreceptor
A receptor protein that binds to specific molecules (such as odorant molecules or pheromones) in the environment.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define a Cardiovascular system
The heart, blood, and vessels are of a circulatory system.
Card 3
Define a Gastrovascular system
Card 4
Define a Heart
Card 5
Define a Hemolymph
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