definintions 0.0 / 5 ? BiologydefinitionsUniversityNone Created by: sam9991Created on: 30-04-18 12:14 Recovery Convalescence 1 of 10 History, Physical examination, Differential diagnosis, Investigation, Diagnosis, Treatment Diagnosic process 2 of 10 An abnormality in body functions that threatens wellbeing which causes a pattern of responses that gives a immune response Disease 3 of 10 A disease that is native to a local region Endemic 4 of 10 When a disease spreds to many individuals at the same time Epidemic 5 of 10 Study the patterns of disease occurance in specific groups of people Epidemiologists 6 of 10 The study of the occurrence, distribution & transmission of diseases in humans Epidemiology 7 of 10 Related to genetically Family 8 of 10 Physical, mental and social wellbeing Health 9 of 10 Liver cells Hepatocytes 10 of 10
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