Providing optimum conditions such as nutrients, oxygen levels, pH levels,temperatures so that microbes can be grown in enormous amounts for reliable and valid observation and measurement
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Three reasons to take care while culturing
Risk of developing mutant pathogenic strain, risk of contamination of culture by pathogenic microbes from environment and the experimenter's body (i.e. skin)
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Health and Safety precaution while culturing, handling and disposal (2)
Use of sterile equipments before the start of experiment; Disposal via sealing in plastic bag and sterilising at 121 C for 15 mins under high pressure
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Any ethical issues?
~not really, but the risk of infecting others should be considered
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Examples of nutrients? (4 types and examples)
source of Nitrogen(NH3, NO2); source of carbon(CO2, organic substances) ;minerals (K, Ca, Fe,) ; source of protein ( blood/yeast extract/meat extract)
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Nutrient broth? ( include the way of preparation)
Nutrients in liquid form...prepared in flasks or test tubes
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Nutrient agar?( include the way of preparation)
Nutrients stored in solid form - contained in agar jelly(extracted from sea weed);
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Advantages of nutrient agar?
Agar maintains the temperature at around 50 degree Celcius ( optimum temperature) and it resists melting upto 90 degree celcius
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Define selective medium
Very specific nutrients containing growth medium for very specific microbes ( only specific microbes grow in that)
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Example of selective media
Yeast malt agar- its low pH favours fungi & moulds but not bacteria ; McConkey agar favours gram negative bacteria
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Advantage of selective media(2)
1) identify specific mutant strains of microbes and antibiotic resistance ; 2) identify genetically modified microbes
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why would selective media be helpful in identifying GM microbes?
This is because the antibiotic resistance or requirement for specific nutrient is engineered along with a desired gene as a marker
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The basic steps
1) Decide the type of micro-organism to grow ; 2) Set up the proper selective media ( sterile nutrients); 3) Perform inoculation ;4) Incubate the petridish/ flask at specific temperature for specific time;6) observation and measurement ;7) Disposal
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Three reasons to take care while culturing
Risk of developing mutant pathogenic strain, risk of contamination of culture by pathogenic microbes from environment and the experimenter's body (i.e. skin)
Card 3
Health and Safety precaution while culturing, handling and disposal (2)
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