6.2Urbanisation and the rise of megacities

Factors affecting the rate of urbanisation:
1.The pace of economic development.
2.The rate of population growth.
1 of 5
What does the term Megacity mean?
Cities with a population of over 10 million.
2 of 5
In what continent are over half of the megacities located?
3 of 5
What are the reasons for the growth in megacities?
1.Economic development
2. Population growth
3.Economies of scale
4. The multiplier effect
4 of 5
What is the difference between a mega city and a world city?
Megacities have a population over 10 million whereas a world city can be of any size.
5 of 5

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Card 2


What does the term Megacity mean?


Cities with a population of over 10 million.

Card 3


In what continent are over half of the megacities located?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the reasons for the growth in megacities?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the difference between a mega city and a world city?


Preview of the front of card 5


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