7.1 Les immigres en France 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: JessaminCreated on: 10-10-17 13:03 accueillir to welcome 1 of 30 affluer to flock 2 of 30 une banlieue suburb 3 of 30 un Beur second generation North African immigrant 4 of 30 bon marché cheap 5 of 30 un bouc-émissaire scapegoat 6 of 30 clandestin(e) illegal 7 of 30 les compatriotes fellow countrymen/women 8 of 30 un(e) demander(-euse) d'asile asylum seeker 9 of 30 étranger(-ere) foreign 10 of 30 un(e) exilé(e) exile 11 of 30 la guerre war 12 of 30 faire appel à to call upon 13 of 30 un(e) Français(e) de souche a French person of French origins 14 of 30 issu(e)/ en provenance de from 15 of 30 un(e) immigre(e) an immigrant 16 of 30 immigrer to immigrate 17 of 30 s'installer to settle 18 of 30 s'intégrer to integrate 19 of 30 un logement social social housing 20 of 30 le Maghreb area in North Africa 21 of 30 la main d'œuvre work force 22 of 30 un manque a lack 23 of 30 la métropole mainland France 24 of 30 les nouveaux arrivants newcomers 25 of 30 originaire de from 26 of 30 le Pieds-Noirs people of French and other European ancestry whol lived in North French Africa 27 of 30 les préjugés prejudice 28 of 30 un(e) ressortissant(e) national/citizen 29 of 30 le sol Français French soil 30 of 30
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