What 5 things was Mary told about the child to be born?
Be holy, Son of God, Name him Jesus, Son of Most High, Reign over house of Jacob
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How did the angel say the 5 things about the baby was going to happen?
Holy Spirit will come upon you, most high will overshadow you
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What did the things angel said how 5 things was going to happen mean about the child?
He will be holy and be called son of God
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Why did the angel tell Mary to prove nothing was impossible with God?
Mary's older relative Elizabeth conceived a son
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What was Mary's response to angel saying nothing was impossible with God?
'Here am I, the servant of the Lord: let it be with me according to your word'
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How did Elizabeth greet Mary?
Child leaped in her womb and was filled with the Holy Spirit
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By what other title is Mary's song of praise known?
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What are 3 things Mary said God had done?
Looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant, shown his strength in his arms, brought down the powerful from their thrones and lyred up the lowly
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What had God done to/for the proud?
He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts
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What had God done to/for the lowly?
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly
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What had God done to/for the hungry?
He has filled the hungry with good things
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What had God done to/for the rich?
Sent the rich away empty
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Why had God done things to/for the proud, lowly, hungry and rich?
According to the promise he made to our ancestors to Abraham and to his descendants forever
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What happened when Zechariah wrote down John's name?
His mouth was opened and his tounge freed and he began to speak, praising God
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What was the reaction of those present after Johns name was wrote down?
Fear came over all their neighbours
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By what title is Zechariah's hymn also known?
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Why did Zechariah bless God?
God had looked favourably on his people and redeemed them
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What did Zechariah predict about John?
He will be called the prophet of the Most High
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Who was emperor and governor when Jesus was born?
Augustus, Quirinius
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Where did Joseph travel from?
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Why did Joseph go to Bethlehem?
To register Jesus
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Why was Jesus placed in a manger?
No place for them in the inn
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What was the good news the angels told the shepherds?
The Messiah was born
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How did the angels praise God?
'Glory to God in the highest heaven'
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What was Mary's reaction to what the shepherds told her?
She treasured all of the words and pondered them in her heart
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How did the shepherds react to all they had seen and heard?
Glorifying and praising God
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Why was Jesus presented in the temple?
It was time to be circumsised
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What offering was made in temple?
A sacrafice 'a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons'
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Who was Simeon?
A righteous and devout man, looking forward to the consolation of Israel
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What had been revealed to Simeon?
He would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Messiah
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Why was Simeon in the temple?
He was guided by the Spirit
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What is Simeon's song better known as?
Nunc Dimittus
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Why did Simeon give thanks to God?
Jesus brought consolation of Israel
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Who was Anna?
A prophet, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher
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How is Anna's religious devotion seen?
She never left the temple but worshipped there with tasting and prayer night and day
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What did Anna think Jesus would do?
Go for the redemption of Jerusalem
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How was Jesus seen to be special?
He became strong, filled with wisdom and the favour of God was upon him
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which 'house' was Joseph from?
House of David
Card 3
How did the angel greet Mary?
Card 4
What was Mary's reaction to the angels greeting?
Card 5
What 5 things was Mary told about the child to be born?
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