A-C Graphics words 0.0 / 5 ? Design & Technology: GraphicsGlossary words A-CGCSEAQA Created by: bethen0303Created on: 09-06-16 13:08 Analysed examining information by looking at separate parts of it 1 of 31 Annotated brief notes which help to explain designs 2 of 31 Anthropometrics the study of the varying sizes of all the parts of a human body 3 of 31 Artwork is the name given to the hand drawn or CAD designs created by the designer 4 of 31 Batch production used for limited runs such as books and magazines 5 of 31 Biodegradable plastics plastics that can be totally broken down by micro-organisms into harmless waste 6 of 31 Biodegradable a material, normally based on animal or vegetable matter, that can be broken down by other living organisms into harmless waste 7 of 31 Bleed area the 3mm extra area at the edge of a printed image, allowing for slight misalignment by the printer when cropping the image. 8 of 31 Blow Moulding a process of making hollow plastic forms by flowing air into a heated thermoplastic 9 of 31 Bought in components you haven't made but have bought in for your project 10 of 31 Branding a logo or image associated by the public with a product 11 of 31 Brightness the level of optical whiteness 12 of 31 Built-in Obsolescence where a product is made with one or more components that are known to fail after a specific period 13 of 31 CAD the process of developing an idea using a computer 14 of 31 CE mark a safety standard that allows the product to be sold within the EU 15 of 31 Centre line the line that defines the centre of a circle or an arc 16 of 31 Collated collecting and putting numbers or letters into an order 17 of 31 Colour bar a small ***** of the process colours (CMYK) printed outside the actual image, used to check the colour density. 18 of 31 Colour seperation the process where the original image is separated into the four process colours by a computer programme 19 of 31 Complementary colours taht are opposite each other on the colour wheel, providing the greatest contrast 20 of 31 Component an individual piece of a product that is connected to another during assembly to make the final product 21 of 31 Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines which are controlled by a number system 22 of 31 Computer-aided design (CAD) producing a design using a computer 23 of 31 Computer-aided manufacture (CAM) producing products and designs using computer controlled technology 24 of 31 Continuous production 24/7 but with the possibility of changing printing plates 25 of 31 Copyright protects original authored works from being copied for the lifetime of the creator, plus 70 years 26 of 31 Corporate Identity the qualities and values an organisation wishes to be associated with and recognised by - its signage, products and public appearance 27 of 31 Creasing the paper or card is compressed to form a fold line 28 of 31 Creativity new designs, new ideas, new interpretations of older ideas and products 29 of 31 Crop marks found at the four corners of a page, which tell the printer where to crop or guillotine the printed image 30 of 31 Cultural issues advertising or product decisions that are changeable dependant on the actual target market 31 of 31
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