A Doll's House 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureA Doll's HouseA2/A-levelAQA Created by: @lauraCreated on: 05-03-17 11:54 What did a Doll's House focus on that was different to other plays of the time? Realism 1 of 6 What was the key element of Ibsen's work in A Doll's House that he wanted to present Equal Marriage 2 of 6 What did critics criticise Ibsen about His works and marriage 3 of 6 When was A Doll's House 1879 4 of 6 Which title is the most accepted by scholars A Doll House 5 of 6 Where did Ibsen move to when his works were being criticised in Olso Italy and Germany 6 of 6
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