First impressions of the title "A GAME OF POLO AND A HEADLESS GOAT" effective?
Unusual, hyperbolic , attention grabbing
1 of 11
Why is the title "A GAME OF POLO AND A HEADLESS GOAT" effective?
Takes connotations of wealth/refinement then JUXTAPOSES it with graphically violent imagery(INVERTS EXPECTATIONS OF NORMALITY/FORCES READERS TO explore a different set of cultural norm.
2 of 11
Why does Levine create these conflicting themes of (refinement/barbarism)?
To create an uncomfortablity // to challenge readers ideas of culture and norms centred around strict order/structure
3 of 11
How can the extreme juxtaposition be interpreted negatively?
It compares the WEST with refinement/civilisation and the EAST with barbarism
4 of 11
What does the possible negative interpretations highligh/suggest?
The authors own limited westernised perceptive of what a civilisation should look like to be considered civilised/sophisticated
5 of 11
What connotations does "Headless" imply?
Head-perhaps symbolic of rationality/composure. However the suffix "less" implies the locals lack of it
6 of 11
What is "Wacky Races"?
Culture reference to a 60's kids show
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Why does the author make cultural reference to "wacky races" ?
8 of 11
Why could the comparison to "wacky races" be interpretated negatively?
Reductive perceptive? over trivialisation of the events, (more than a wacky race to the locals who even bet on the race) seemingly has great cultural significance
9 of 11
Reference to biological concept?
"survival of the fittest"- undermines the civility of the ppl characterises them in an animistic light (adhere to primitiveness rather than developed /progressive side?) suggest lack of human development from primitiveness,
10 of 11
What other theme is present in the extract?
Brief suggestion of a male dominated society (locals engaging in stereotypically masculine behaviours) gambling,racing ext
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why is the title "A GAME OF POLO AND A HEADLESS GOAT" effective?
Takes connotations of wealth/refinement then JUXTAPOSES it with graphically violent imagery(INVERTS EXPECTATIONS OF NORMALITY/FORCES READERS TO explore a different set of cultural norm.
Card 3
Why does Levine create these conflicting themes of (refinement/barbarism)?
Card 4
How can the extreme juxtaposition be interpreted negatively?
Card 5
What does the possible negative interpretations highligh/suggest?
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