A Level Media Terminology
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- Created by: Natalie Sewell
- Created on: 20-04-17 09:12
how meaning is fixed, as in how a caption fixes the meaning of a picture
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A universal type or model of character that is found in many different texts, e.g. ingenue, anti-hero, wise old woman, hero-as-lover, hero-as-warrior, shadow trickster, mentor, loyal friend, temptress
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viewers, listeners and readers of a media text. A lot of media studies is concerned with how audience use texts and the effects a text may have on them. Also identified in demographic socio-economic categories
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Binary Opposites
the way opposites are used to create interest in media texts, such as good/bad, coward/hero, youth/age, black/white. By Barthes and Levi-Strauss.
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the idea that violent and and sexual content in media texts serves the function of releasing ‘pent up’ tension aggression/desire in audiences.
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Control over the content of a media text – sometimes by the government, but usually by a regulatory body like the British Board of Film censors
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Computer Generated Imagary, Refers to the (usually) 3-D effects that enhance all kinds of still and moving images, from text effects, to digital snow or fire, to the generation of entire landscapes
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a sign or convention through which the media communicates meaning to us because we have learned to read it
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Technical Codes
all to do with the way a text is technically constructed – camera angles, framing, typography, lighting etc
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Visual Codes
codes that are decoded on a mainly connotational level – things that draw on our experience and understanding of other media texts
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concerned with the use of visual images and how they trigger the audiences expectations of a particular genre, such as a knife in slasher horror films.
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purchaser, listener, viewer or reader of media products
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time, place or mindset in which we consume media products.
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the widely recognised way of doing things in particular genre.
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The way in which technologies and institutions come together in order to create something new. Cinema is the result of the convergence of photography, moving pictures (the kinetoscope, zoetrope etc), and sound.
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Factual characteristics of a population sample, e.g. age, gender, race, nationality, income, disability, education
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the everyday or common sense meaning of a sign
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the secondary meaning that a sign carries in addition to it’s everyday meaning.
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Sound whose source is visible on the screen
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Sound effects, music or narration which is added afterwards
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A question in a text that is not immediately answered and creates interest for the audience – a puzzle that the audience has to solve
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the struggle by women to obtain equal rights in society
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the idea that the way we look at something, and the way somebody looks at you, is structured by the way we view the world. Feminist Laura Mulvey suggests that looking involves power, specifically the look of men at women
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the type or category of a media text, according to its form, style and content.
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Traditionally this describes the predominance of one social class over another, in media terms this is how the controllers of the media may on the one hand use the media to pursue their own political interest
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Hypodermic Needle Theory
the idea that the media can ‘inject’ ideas and messages straight into the passive audience. This passive audience is immediately affected by these messages. Used in advertising and propoganda, led to moral panics about effect of violent video games
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A set of ideas or beliefs which are held to be acceptable by the creators of the media text, maybe in line with those of the dominant ruling social groups in society, or alternative ideologies such as feminist ideology.
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Indexical Sign
a sign which has a direct relationship with something it signifies, such as smoke signifies fire.
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a visual representation of something.
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The organisations which produce and control media texts such as the BBC, AOL Time Warner, News International
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the idea that within popular culture producers borrow other texts to create interest to the audience who like to share the ‘in’ joke. Used a lot in the Simpsons.
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Media Language
the means by which the media communicates to us and the forms and conventions by which it does so.
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Media Platform
refers to the different ways that media content is delivered, mainly via TV, laptop, tablet, smartphone, cinema, video/computer game, printed page etc. for instance the BBC delivers content via TV, laptop and mobile device.
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Media Product
a text that has been designed to be consumed by an audience. E.G a film, radio show, newspaper etc.
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literally ‘what’s in the shot’ everything that appears on the screen in a single frame and how this helps the audience to decode what’s going on.
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Mode of address
The way a media product ‘speaks’ to it’s audience. In order to communicate, a producer of any text must make some assumptions about an intended audience; reflections of such assumptions may be discerned in the text
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putting together of visual images to form a sequence. Made famous by Russian film maker Eisenstein in his famous film Battleship Potemkin.
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Moral Panic
is the intensity of feeling stirred up by the media about an issue that appears to threaten the social order, such as against Muslims after 9/11, or against immigrants, or against ‘video nasties’ following the Jamie Bulger murder.
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computer technology that allows text, sound, graphic and video images to be combined into one programme
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a complex idea by Roland Barthes that myth is a second order signifying system ie when a sign becomes the signifier of a new sign
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Narrative Codes
The way a story is put together within a text, traditionally equilibrium- disequilibrium, new equilibrium, but some text are fractured or non linear, eg Pulp Fiction.
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News Values
factors that influence whether a story will be picked for coverage
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Non-verbal communication
communication between people other than by speech
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who produces and distributes the media texts – and whose interest it is.
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The structural, systematic and historical domination and exploitation of women.
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Popular Culture
the study of cultural artefacts of the mass media such as cinema, TV, advertising.
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Post Modernism
Anything that challenges the traditional way of doing things, rejecting boundaries between high and low forms of art, rejecting rigid genre distinctions, emphasizing pastiche, parody, intertextuality, irony, and playfulness.
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Preferred Reading
the interpretation of a media product that was intended by the maker or which is dictated by the ideology of the society in which it is viewed.
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Oppositional Reading
an interpretation of a text by a reader whose social position puts them into direct conflict with its preferred reading
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Negotiated Reading
the ‘compromise’ that is reached between the preferred reading offered by a text and the reader’s own assumptions and interpretations
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the way ruling classes use the mass media to control or alter the attitudes of others.
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bodies whose job it is to see that media texts are not seen by the wrong audience (eg British Board of Film Censors) or are fair and honest (EG Advertising Standards Association)
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The way in which the media ‘re-presents’ the world around us in the form of signs and codes for audiences to read
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special effects or devices to create visual illusions.
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a single image taken by a camera
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a word or image that is used to represent an object or idea
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the ‘thing’ that conveys the meaning, and the meaning conveyed. EG a red rose is a signifier, the signified is love
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Sound Effects
additional sounds other than dialogue or music, designed to add realism or atmosphere.
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representation of people or groups of people by a few characteristics eg hoodies, blondes
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static image
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Sub genre
a genre within a genre
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Two Step Flow
the idea that ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders, and from them to a wider population.
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Uses and Gratification
ideas about how people use the media and what gratification they get from it. It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives.
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Social Gulf
a large gap in society between classes
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the idea that everything in our culture has been influenced by America
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Utopian Solutions Theory
Richard Dyer states that people will respond to a text if it offers them solutions to inadequacies in their own lives. These include: isolation -social networking, confusion -clarity, boredom - excitement.
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a perfect world
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Making people believe that they are inferior than they actually are.
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Labelling theory
The tendency of majorities to negatively label minorities.
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Communication; how something is made affects its purpose; the reconciliation of two opposing forces by a mediating object.
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Deviance is the failure to conform to norms by which the society are conventionally guided, a Deviant is an individual who does so.
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Fragmented Society
A Fragmented Society is one where divisions are presented in many different sections of it, such as 'Broken Britain, as the media like to define our country.
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Realism is a quality that media products can have which makes them engaging to the audience because it is realistic.
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Selectively Constructed
A media text could be selectively created in order to stress a certain point or to affect the audience in a certain way.
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Passive audience
an audience that merely observes an event.
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Active audience
an audience that responds to a text
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Polarised nation
one that contains, usually extremely, different viewpoints and opinions.
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believe that certain texts are made in order to dupe the audience into believing a certain thing, for example to convince the working classes that their lives are okay
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believe that the media is an important tool in our lives and that we need it.
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believe that the media only reflect what the audiences want to see as if they didn't then they'd go out of business.
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Post Modernists
believe that there is no cultural identity anymore as Britain has become so diverse.
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Neo Marxists
believe that the media tries to manipulate audience, but that the audience has a choice whether to accept this or not.
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Cultural Homogenisation
This is the term used to describe what the Postmodernists believe, that there is no cultural diversity or national identity in Britain.
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the belief that the media and its targeting methods have grown to a worldwide scale.
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Cage theory
Daniel Chandler believes that our sense of identity is made up of four parts: class, age, gender and ethnicity.
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Hyper Reality Theory
This is the theory that some media texts are presented with a sense of hyper-realism, that it is slightly more than just realistic.
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Intergroup discrimination theory
Tajfel and Turner believe that audiences enjoy seeing representations of those worse off than them in the media as it makes them feel better about themselves
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Mirror stage theory
This theory supports the belief that those who can relate to certain representations in the media are more likely to be influenced by it.
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The act of degrading a certain group by presenting them as inferior. This goes hand in hand with the usage of propaganda, and the dehumanisation of an issue can make it easier to deal with.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A universal type or model of character that is found in many different texts, e.g. ingenue, anti-hero, wise old woman, hero-as-lover, hero-as-warrior, shadow trickster, mentor, loyal friend, temptress
Card 3
viewers, listeners and readers of a media text. A lot of media studies is concerned with how audience use texts and the effects a text may have on them. Also identified in demographic socio-economic categories
Card 4
the way opposites are used to create interest in media texts, such as good/bad, coward/hero, youth/age, black/white. By Barthes and Levi-Strauss.
Card 5
the idea that violent and and sexual content in media texts serves the function of releasing ‘pent up’ tension aggression/desire in audiences.
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