A-Level Plate Tectonics 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyNatural hazardsPlate tectonicsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: hxlly23Created on: 25-04-19 15:30 Caused by the movement of tectonic plate Tectonic Hazards 1 of 22 Fitting together of continent (Pangaea) Jigsaw-fit 2 of 22 Matching of fossils across continents Biological Evidence 3 of 22 Coal which is formed in tropical locations suggests this Palaeoclimatic Evidence 4 of 22 Matching rock types and ages across contintents Geological Evidence 5 of 22 Study of plate tectonics and their movement Plate Tectonic Theory 6 of 22 The study of past changes in the earth's magnetic field Palaeomagnetism 7 of 22 As volcanoes erupt, magma which solidifies to form new rock, plates pull apart so rock is carried away and new younger rock is formed Sea-floor spreading 8 of 22 Large or smaller slas of the earth's crust Tectonic plates 9 of 22 Near the middle of the plate Intra-plate 10 of 22 An opening in a volcano Vent 11 of 22 A crack in a volcano Fissure 12 of 22 Opening in the earth's crust where things such as gas and ash escape Volcano 13 of 22 Molten rock below earth's surface Magma 14 of 22 Molten rock above the surface Lava 15 of 22 Shaking of ground caused by sudden movements along fault lines Earthquake 16 of 22 Vibrations that transmit the energy released by an earthquake Seismic Waves 17 of 22 Actual point in crust where earthquake starts Focus 18 of 22 Point at the earth's surface directly above the focus Epicentre 19 of 22 Distance between hypocentre and epicentre Focal length 20 of 22 Enormous sea wave/series of waves caused by a shallow focus earthquake Tsunami 21 of 22 Area of water from sea surface to sea floor Water Column 22 of 22
1.2 What are the processes of coastal erosion and what are the resultant landforms? G3 Alevel WJEC including case studies 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
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