A2 Biology Crossword - communication and homeostatus 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCommunication and HomeostatusA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Tanisha_18Created on: 12-01-16 14:36 Action potential jumps from node to node saltatory conduction 1 of 11 -40mv resting potential 2 of 11 pressure receptor pacinian corpuscle 3 of 11 when sodium-potassium pumps restore original resting potential refractory period 4 of 11 β cells secrete insulin 5 of 11 glucose into glycogen glycogenesis 6 of 11 α cells secrete glucagon 7 of 11 glycogen into glucose glycogenolysis 8 of 11 amino acids and fats into glucose gluconeogenesis 9 of 11 high blood sugar levels hyperglycemia 10 of 11 increases rate of SAN signals accelerator nerve 11 of 11
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