A set of ideas and values shared by some social groups
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What is a Belief System?
A framework of ideas which helps individuals make sense of the world
2 of 8
Define secular religion
Secular religion is based on faith but is not part of the belief system.
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What politocal ideologies do main parties have?
Main political parties have borrowed ideologies from each other e.g. Conservatives who look at New Right ideology.
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What is Communism?
When the means of production is run and society is controlled by the state
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What is Socialism?
Ideal society is based on collectivism and we share ownership.
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What is Neo-Liberalism?
Belief in free market capitalism, in other words business being free from state control.
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What is Conservative?
There should be limited goverment control, limited welfare. We should stand on our own two feets. They believe that the family is the corner stone society.
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Card 2
What is a Belief System?
A framework of ideas which helps individuals make sense of the world
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