Death of Henry VIII. Marquis of Hertford (Late Duke of Somerset) appointed Lord Protector. Issue of Royal Injunctions to clergy for enforcement of religious practise. Invasion of Scotland.
Execution of Thomas Seymour. Act of uniformity. 1st Book of Common Prayer. Inflationary pressuresb worsen. Start of Wester Rebellion. Start of Kett's Rebellion. Fall of Somerset.
3 of 6
Earl of Warwick (Later Duke of Northumberland) made Lord President of the Council.
4 of 6
Execution of Somerset. 2nd Act of Uniformity passed. Revised Book of Common Prayer.
5 of 6
Forty-Two Articles of Religion compilied. Death of Edward VI
Execution of Thomas Seymour. Act of uniformity. 1st Book of Common Prayer. Inflationary pressuresb worsen. Start of Wester Rebellion. Start of Kett's Rebellion. Fall of Somerset.
Card 4
Earl of Warwick (Later Duke of Northumberland) made Lord President of the Council.
Card 5
Execution of Somerset. 2nd Act of Uniformity passed. Revised Book of Common Prayer.
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