A Comedy - Pseudolus (Character list) 2.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Classical CivilizationA2/A-levelOCR Created by: EllieCreated on: 10-06-13 10:58 Who is Pseudolus? Name meaning and point in the play? Pseudolus is the main protagonist in the play, Pseudo (Latin) = False, Dolus (Greek) = Con/Trick, he is the one who sets all the action off 1 of 11 Who is Polymachaeroplagides? The Soldier who has bough Phonecium, we dont see him but hear lots about him 2 of 11 Who is Calidorus? The love-struck boy in the play - useless 3 of 11 Who is Phonecium? The one he is in love with, currently owned by a pimp 4 of 11 Who is Simo? Calidorus' father and neibour to the Pimp 5 of 11 Who is Ballio? The pimp who owns Phonecium 6 of 11 What is special about the prologue in this play? It is Plautus' shortest with only 3 lines, 7 of 11 Many of Plautus' plays were... based on greek plays or are direct translations, 8 of 11 The plot and characters to this play have been compared to ____ characters. Stock 9 of 11 two faults of the play full of repetition and loose ends 10 of 11 What is the name given to the setting of this play by a British Scholar? Plautinopolis 11 of 11
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