A healthy , Active lifestyle

  • Created by: Lauran
  • Created on: 30-04-13 19:57
What are the benefits of taking part in physical activity?
Increase fitness, Help individual feel good, relieve stress, Increase self esteem,boost confidence, Improve health, Enjoyment, mental challenge
1 of 5
What are the Reasons for taking part in Physical activity?
Cooperation , Competition, Physical challenge, Aesthetic Appreciation and social mixing
2 of 5
What is a healthy active lifestyle?
A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social well being and includes regular exercise and physical activity
3 of 5
What are the 3 main categories for reasons for taking part in physical activity to fall in to?
Physical, Social and Mental
4 of 5
What is meant by aesthetc appreciation?
Moments in sport are often "beautiful"
5 of 5

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Card 2


What are the Reasons for taking part in Physical activity?


Cooperation , Competition, Physical challenge, Aesthetic Appreciation and social mixing

Card 3


What is a healthy active lifestyle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the 3 main categories for reasons for taking part in physical activity to fall in to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is meant by aesthetc appreciation?


Preview of the front of card 5


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