1)FB flaws...2) continued until Reagan revolution, 3)New Deal limits (AAA)
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1865-1900 evaluation for economic
1)petitions shows desire to be tenants, 2)Tuskegee institute, 3)accomodationism
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1900-1945 evaluation for economic
1)exploit jobs in North- 1920, 2)Randolph
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1945-1992 evaluation for economic
Black Power self help - black capitalism - PIR 1971
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Economic judgement
did a lot - got fed help and also self help
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** S&C year
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1865-1900 points for S&C
14th Amendment and what it allowed (education 1860-1900)
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1900-1945 points for S&C
Gaines vs Canada 1938
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1945-1992 points for S&C
1)Drift from segregation 1954&1956, 2)CRA, 3)Fair Housing Act, 4)MLK holiday 1983 recognises importance of AA history
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Fed Gov evaluation for S&C
1)Jim Crow Laws, 2)Plessy, 3)KKK - Wilson & FDR
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Evaluation for S&C
1)1880s Churches - MLK, 2)Leaders (Du Bois and MLK) - exploited education, 3)Migration - 1992, 4)Harlem & Black consciousness (Music & TV)
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S&C judgement
raised AA consciousness to counter sterotypes
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1)Large part, 2)turning points were fed gov but AAs active, 3)Reconstruction quote but AAs exploited it, 4)Little sympathy from fed gov (1900-1930s) - reflect social attitudes - unlikely to intervene - rely on AA actions, 5)LBJ's quote
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