Abyssinia crisis
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- Created by: vickieboadi
- Created on: 11-12-17 17:27
Abyssinia crisis: what happened on December 1934
There is a boarder dispute between Abyssinia and the Italian colony of somaliland, which turned violent
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Abyssinia crisis: January 1935
The emporer Haile selassie of Abyssinia asked the League of Nations for help. The league banned weapons sales to each other
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Abyssinia crisis: October 1935
The League of Nations suggested that Italy should have some land in Abyssinia. But they wanted more so they invaded
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Abyssinia crisis: March 1936
Britain and France refused to intervene. Instead, they made a secrete plan to give Abyssinia to Italy.
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Adolf Hitler: 1920
Whilst working as a spy, for the military Hitler is inspired by what he hears at the meeting of the nazis, he leaves the military to join the nazis as a member
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Adolf Hitler: 1921
Hitler becomes leader of the nazi party and creates a 25 point programme to appeal to all Germans
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Adolf Hitler: 1923
Hitler is arrested for trying to overthrow the government, private nazi army he is sentenced to 5 years and banned from public speaking
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Adolf Hitler: 1925
Hitler is released from prison and he recounts the nazi party and decides to take over Germany through politics rather than violence
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Adolf Hitler: 1929
The Wall Street crash happens in the USA Germany's economy slumps as they enter the Great Depression
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Adolf Hitler: 1932
Despite growing popularity the nazi party actually lose 2 million votes in the election, upset hitler threatens to commit suicide
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Adolf Hitler: January 1933
Following the next election Hitler is appointed chancellor by the president
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Adolf Hitler: February 1933
The Reichstag (German Parliament) burns down. Hitler takes advantage by introducing a new act- which means he can make laws himself
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Adolf Hitler: June 1933
Hitler orders the killing of 85 opponents mainly former supporters and political rivals in an event called the night of the long knives
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Adolf Hitler: August 1934
The president of Germany died. Hitler combines the position of chancellor and president and gains full power.
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Hitlers rise to power: Character
He was a great public speaker, this means that it would have been easy for him to persuade all the Germans to do what he wanted, this would have made the nazi party very popular. He was also very authoritative which means he can control people
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Hitlers rise to power: The economy
When Germany had to pay 6.6 billion in reparations it made their economy weak, also following was the Great Depression, Hitler would be able to use this to gain power because the Germans would be looking for a resolution and he could say
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Hitlers rise to power: strength of the nazi party
The nazi party appealed to lots of different people and they promised to unite all of Germany, this would have contributed to hitters rise to power as the German people would bee feeling lost and would need someone to turn to for help
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Hitlers rise to power: weakness of the German government
The Germans were fed up with their government because they thought they were doing little to recover from the Great Depression, this contributed to hitters rise because he used the Jews as a scapegoat so the Germans had someone to blame
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Road to war: 1933
Hitler built up th German army
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Road to war: 1936
Every man had to spend sometime in the navy or Air Force or army, in March troops were sent to the Rhineland, which ignored the treaty of Versailles
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Road to war:1937
Hitler helped, dictator Franco win Spanish civil war. Some historians think he did this to test out his new weapons
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Road to war: March 1938
Hitler demanded that Austria should be joined with Germany. German troops entered Austria unchallenged
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Road to war: September 1938
Munich agreement Britain and France let hitler invade the Sudetenland but not the ret of Czechoslovakia
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Road to war: March 1939
Hitler ignored the Munich agreement by invading the rest of Czechslovakia
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Road to war: 1 September 1939
German troops invade Poland
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Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
The Rhineland is the edge of western Germany,on the the both banks of the river Rhine and bordering several countries.
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Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
In March 1936, hitler moved troops into the Rhineland. This was not permitted, by the treaty of the Versailles
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The Anschluss:
Hitler had considered invading Austria after the Dollfuss affair in 1934. In which ten nazis killed Englebert Dollfuss
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The Anschluss: 1938
However , 1938 an Anschluss (political union) between Germany and Austria was peacefully completed
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The Anschluss:1934
The Austrian chancellor was killed by 10 Austrian-nazis, this encouraged hitler to invade, but was told not to by Belito Mussolini, hitler then made a deal with the Austrians schuschnigg is new chancellor
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The Anschluss: 1938
Hitler always saw Austria as part of Germany. Many Austrians has this ame belief, this encourages hitler, so in 1938 he told an Austrian-nazis to stir up trouble, then Thierry plan to overthrow schuschnigg was uncovered
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The Anschluss: February 1938
Schuschnigg came to Germany and was given 10 demands, they had to appoint seyess- inquart as the minister of the interior. Which meant that the ten Austrian-nazis were released out of jail
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The Anschluss:
Such a demand was unacceptable to schuschnigg, so he tried a new ploy and ordered a plebiscite vote. Hitler was not very happy because if the Austrian people voted against him he would be in a very difficult position.
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The Anschluss:
Hitler told schuschnigg that if he did not resign he would order his military to invade Austria. Schuschnigg did not want this so he resigned and the only member left was seyess-inquart as the member of the Austrian government he let German troops in
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The Anschluss: 12 March 1938
Nazi troops invaded Austria. Hitler was greeted by a huge crowd that were cheering Hitler, then he held a vote and they were forced to vote Anschluss. Austria and Germany were United.
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This pact was signed by Germany and Japan on November 25 1936 then joined by Italy on November 6 1937 it was an attempt to stop communism spreading, it was aimed at Soviet Union
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This was when Neville chamberlain turned a blind eye to all the bad things that hiler was doing so that piece could be kept.
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The Sudetenland: reasons for invasion
It was home to 3 million residents of Germanic origin, it is know for its heavily defended boarders, has 70% of Czechoslovakian factories and rich in natural resources
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The Sudetenland: September
The Sudetenland problem reached its crisi point, Hitler encourages Komrad Henlein leader of the sudeten-nazis to rebel and demands union with Germany, when Czech government declare martial law, Hitler threatens war.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Abyssinia crisis: January 1935
The emporer Haile selassie of Abyssinia asked the League of Nations for help. The league banned weapons sales to each other
Card 3
Abyssinia crisis: October 1935

Card 4
Abyssinia crisis: March 1936

Card 5
Adolf Hitler: 1920

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