Italy was a revisionist country. What is a revisionist country?
A country that wanted to change the world in favour of itself.
1 of 10
When did Italy invade Abyssinia?
3rd October 1935
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Why were Britain and France in an awkward position?
Britain France and Italy were the main members of the League of Nations. Britain Italy and France had signed the Stresa Front to oppose Hitler. They did not want to lose Italy as an ally.
3 of 10
How did the League respond to Italy's invasion of Abyssinia?
It condemned Italy and inforced limited economic sanctions: arms weren't sold to Italy and Italian imports banned
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Why wasn't the Suez Canal close during the Abyssinian Crisis?
Britain wanted it open for trade
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Why weren't coal, oil, iron and steel sanctioned?
France and Britain did not want to lose out on trade
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When was the Hoare-Laval Pact signed?
December 1935
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What was agreed in the Hoare-Laval Pact?
Italy could have 2/3 of Abyssinia to avoid upsetting Mussolini
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What did Hitler do whilst Britain and France were preoccupied with Abyssinia?
Remilitarise the Rhineland
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How did the Abyssinian Crisis contribute to the end of the League?
It showed Britain and France's lack of commitment to the league. It ended the Stresa Front and Italy left the League. Italy and Germany became friends.
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
When did Italy invade Abyssinia?
3rd October 1935
Card 3
Why were Britain and France in an awkward position?
Card 4
How did the League respond to Italy's invasion of Abyssinia?
Card 5
Why wasn't the Suez Canal close during the Abyssinian Crisis?
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