Which continent was Abyssinia in and what was it like? (rich..)
It was in Northeast Africa and it was a poor undeveloped country,
2 of 9
Why did Italy and Mussolini want Abyssinia?
It was one of the few countries in Africa which werent taken over and it bordered other African countries. They wanted a military glory and wanted its resources and minerals,
3 of 9
When had Italy tried to conquer Abyssinia and what was the result? Who won? How did Italy feel about this?
In 1896 and they were defeated so Abyssinia remained independant and Italy opposed this take over as it was embarrasing,
4 of 9
Who was the dictator in Italy and when did he become Prime Minister?
benito Mussolini and became PM in 1922,
5 of 9
What was signed in 1928 between them? Is Mussolini going to respect this tresty?
It was a Treaty of Friendship which Mussolini was going to break,
6 of 9
What would a victorious win divert the Italians attentions from and what would it ensure?
It would divert attention form the problems of Depression in Italy and would ensure more trade for Italian exports,
7 of 9
What happened in 1931-32 that made Mussolini realise he could get away with it? Why?
There was the Manchurian Crisis with Japan and he knew the L of N wouldnt stop him,
8 of 9
Why was Italy able to defeat Abyssinia? (weapons etc)
Italy was more developed and used heavy artilery and modern waepjs like aeroplanes, tear gas while Abyssinia had foot soldiers and the calvery
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which continent was Abyssinia in and what was it like? (rich..)
It was in Northeast Africa and it was a poor undeveloped country,
Card 3
Why did Italy and Mussolini want Abyssinia?
Card 4
When had Italy tried to conquer Abyssinia and what was the result? Who won? How did Italy feel about this?
Card 5
Who was the dictator in Italy and when did he become Prime Minister?
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