Accent and dialect 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LanguageAccent and dialect definitionsASAQA Created by: molly slaterCreated on: 27-04-18 19:03 what is accent? sound and the phonology of their accent 1 of 19 what is dialect? the lexis and grammar 2 of 19 what is standard english? the rules of grammar and vocabularly 3 of 19 what is recieved pronounciation? associating with high status and a more prestiguous accent 4 of 19 prescriptive one correct form of language other forms are incorrect 5 of 19 descriptive describe different forms of language and take a neutral position 6 of 19 overt prestige open and obvious dialets for example RP 7 of 19 covert prestige hidden amd secret dialects 8 of 19 convergence change language to meet others 9 of 19 Divergence accentuate speech to meet others show a sense of social differences 10 of 19 what is the national accent scottish 11 of 19 what is the regional accent northern 12 of 19 what is the regional urban accent scouse 13 of 19 what is the regional rural accent cornish 14 of 19 what is the urban accent considered as being? less attractive 15 of 19 give an example of a glottal stop used in estuary english used by the cockneys they say 'buer' instead of 'butter' 16 of 19 give an example of a confrontational tag question used in estuary english i said i wouldnt didnt i? 17 of 19 give an example of what the south west say say 'where he to?' instead of 'where is he?' 18 of 19 pronouns regional northern and midlands say 'thee' and 'thou' instead of 'you' 19 of 19
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