1865. Intended to last one year, aimed to give aid via education, health care and employment.
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13th Amendment
1865. Slaves were formally freed.
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1866 Civil Rights Act
Guaranteed legal equality to Blacks.
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Second Freedman's Bureau Act
1866. Provided additional rights including the distribution of land, schools and military courts to ensure these rights, voted by Johnson but overrode by Congress.
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Reconstruction Acts
1867. Guaranteed rights for Blacks and put the Confederacy into military districts.
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14th Amendment
1868. All free Blacks were given citizenship and equal protection under the law.
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15th Amendment
1870. Forbade the denial of the vote to any man on the basis of colour, race or previous condition of servitude.
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1871 Civil Rights Act/Klan Act
Protect southern Blacks from the KKK by providing a 'civil' remedy.
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1875 Civil Rights Act
Made it clear that equal rights applied to public areas.
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Fair Employment Act (Executive Order 8802)
Requires equal treatment and training of all employees.
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1957 Civil Rights Act
Investigated Civil Rights abuses in fields like voting.
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1960 Civil Rights Act
Helped Blacks register and introduced Federal penalties for violence.
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1964 Civil Rights Act
Sped up desegregation, mix schools, improved voting rights, made discrimination illegal.
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Voting Rights Act
1965. Made certain conditions on voting illegal.
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Fair Housing Act
1968. Ensured no discrimination racially in the sale, rent and mortgaging of property.
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Equal Opportunity Act
1972. More guidelines for the Courts; strengthened in 1988.
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Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1983. MLK's birthday is made a Federal holiday.
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Civil Rights Restoration Act
1988. All aspects of Civil Rights legislation had to be complied with for funds.
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1991 Civil Rights Act.
Gave the right to trial by jury on discrimination claims, introduced the possibility of emotional distress damages, limited the amount a jury could award, based on employment discrimination cases.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
1865. Slaves were formally freed.
13th Amendment
Card 3
Guaranteed legal equality to Blacks.
Card 4
1866. Provided additional rights including the distribution of land, schools and military courts to ensure these rights, voted by Johnson but overrode by Congress.
Card 5
1867. Guaranteed rights for Blacks and put the Confederacy into military districts.
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