Irreversible myocardial cell death. Caused by stenosis of the coronary artery leading to a thrombus forming and occluding blood flow.
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What is unstable angina?
Angina that occurs at rest
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What is angina?
The pain caused by temporary disruption of blood flow to the myocardium causing ischaemia to the heart
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What is stable angina?
Angina that occurs when oxygen demand to the heart is increased such as during exercise
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What is the structure of an artery?
Tunica adventitia on the outside, tunica media then the tunica intimate then the lumen
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Why does a full thickness MI cause ST elevation?
Because the early depolarisation occurs away from the lead which causes the isoelectric line to decrease which then means the ST segment is raised back to where the isoelectric line should be
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What are the treatments for an MI?
MONA: morphine, oxygen, nitrates, aspirin
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Why does a partial thickness infarct cause ST depression?
Because the early depolarisation happens towards the lead causing the isoelectric line to raise, the ST segment then looks depressed as it is back where the isoelectric line should be
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Name some symptoms of an MI?
Chest pain, left arm pain, neck and jaw pain, diaphoresis, pallor, nausea, vomiting, SOB, dizziness
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What is atherosclerosis?
Narrowing of the artery due to plaque build up under the endothelium
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How do you confirm an MI?
ST elevation in 2 leads or more and reciprocal changes
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What are the 2 types of infarct?
Partial and full thickness
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Why is atherosclerosis bad?
It reduces the amount of blood flow to the heart. This can cause cardiomyocytes to die as they need oxygen for cellular respiration which will lead to angina and MI
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How do you identify where an MI is occurring?
ST elevation in the leads facing the MI and depression in the opposite leads
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