An adaptation is a special feature or behaviour that makes an organism suited to its environment. Organisms with more successful adaptations are better at competing for food and other resources.
1 of 6
How are some animals and plants adapted to hot and dry environments?
Camels store their body fat in their humps and do not need to sweat as they are able to tolerate changes in body temp. Cacti have long roots to reach as much water and they are covered in a thick, waxy, waterproof cuticle to prevent water loss.
2 of 6
What are specialists and generalists?
Specialists are organisms adapted to survive in only one habitat, like the cactus. Generalists can survive in different conditions, such a grass, but they can easily be out-competed by other organisms.
3 of 6
How are some animals adapted to cold environments?
Polar bears have thick fur and blubber for insulation and a large body volum compared to its surface area, to stop it losing too much heat. Penguins have a counter-current heat exchange mechanism that reduces heat loss from their flippers.
4 of 6
What are extremophiles?
Extremophiles are biochemically adapted to extreme conditions. Some bacteria can live in hot springs as they have enzymes that denature at very high temperatures. Some Antarctic fish & plants have antifreeze proteins to prevent ice crystals forming.
5 of 6
How are predators and their prey adapted differently?
Predators have binocular vision (ability to judge distance & size); they have hunting strategies and also breed when there is more prey. Prey have monocular vision, for a wide field of view, and synchronise their breeding to reduce being caught.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How are some animals and plants adapted to hot and dry environments?
Camels store their body fat in their humps and do not need to sweat as they are able to tolerate changes in body temp. Cacti have long roots to reach as much water and they are covered in a thick, waxy, waterproof cuticle to prevent water loss.
Card 3
What are specialists and generalists?
Card 4
How are some animals adapted to cold environments?
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