informal - held often in business could be two members of staff meeting in the staff room and discusing a topic Formal - held for a specific purpose and at regular intervals follow certain procedures, rules and regs
2 of 10
Roles and resposibilites of a chair person?
Responsilble for keeping order at a meeting and taking charge of it
3 of 10
Roles and responsilbilites of a secretary?
Often done by admin assistant provides adminstrative support
4 of 10
Roles and ressponsilbilites of a treasurer?
responsilble for all financial matters. Often done by the finance director or cheif accountant
5 of 10
Describe a Gantt Chart?
used by mangers to show comparisons between work planned and work accomplished. looks like a bar graph. key dates will be marked on chart - called milestones
6 of 10
describe a to do list?
usually a note to yourself. Sometimes on sticky bits of paper. List of tasks that need to be done
7 of 10
Describe a priorities list?
The same list of tasks put in order showing which tasks needd to be tackled first
8 of 10
Describe an action plan?
A document which identifies what should be done by whom. Shows expected completion dates.
9 of 10
Causes of conflict?
interpersonal differences. Unclear responsilbilites. Ineffective communication
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Categories of mettings?
informal - held often in business could be two members of staff meeting in the staff room and discusing a topic Formal - held for a specific purpose and at regular intervals follow certain procedures, rules and regs
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