Adrenal glands
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- Created by: LailaFrancis
- Created on: 23-02-23 16:56
where are the adrenal glands located
near kidneys
1 of 38
what relation to kidneys
2 of 38
adrenal glands have the Highest rate of blood flow in the body with Well supplied with blood from? select incorrect answer
3 of 38
up to how many arterioles may enter each adrenal gland
4 of 38
Adrenal cortex – anatomic & functional zonation- where is Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
affect mineral homeostasis present
affect mineral homeostasis present
Zona glomerulosa
5 of 38
Adrenal cortex – anatomic & functional zonation- where is Glucocorticoids (cortisol)
affect glucose homeostasis present
affect glucose homeostasis present
Zona fasciculata
6 of 38
Adrenal cortex – anatomic & functional zonation- where is Androgens (DHEA)
have masculinising/virilising effects present
have masculinising/virilising effects present
Zona reticularis
7 of 38
the three S’s of the adrenal: select wrong one
8 of 38
Steroid Hormone Receptors - intracellular step 4 is transport to nucleus which activates what
transcription and translation
9 of 38
what is : Essential glucocorticoid for life
Produced in zona fasciculata and reticularis
In plasma, 75% bound to corticoisteroid-binding globulin (CBG)
Only unbound is biologically active
Produced in zona fasciculata and reticularis
In plasma, 75% bound to corticoisteroid-binding globulin (CBG)
Only unbound is biologically active
10 of 38
cortisols Resistance to stress - makes nutrients available for what
ATP production
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cortisol does what to blood pressure by vasoconstriction
and blood glucose concentrations - (gluconeogenesis)
and blood glucose concentrations - (gluconeogenesis)
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is cortisol an anti-inflammatory
13 of 38
is cortisol an immunosuppressive
14 of 38
Emotion, stress, trauma stimulates what from hypothalamus
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
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corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) regulates what from anterior pituitary?
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
16 of 38
ACTH stimulates what production from adrenal
17 of 38
Cortisol inhibits what from pituitary
18 of 38
cortisol secretion follows what pattern?
19 of 38
when do cortisol levels rise. select wrong answer
with certain water soluble beauty products
20 of 38
Cushing's syndrome is the what of cortisol
hypercortisolism (overproduction)
21 of 38
Addison's disease is the what of cortisol
hypocortisolism (underproduction)
22 of 38
causes of Addisons doses. choose wrong answer
deficiency in iron
23 of 38
Clinical Uses of Glucocorticoids: select wrong answer
Replacement and substitution for hypoglycaemia
24 of 38
what is a potent mineralocorticoid?
25 of 38
function of aldosterone? select wrong one
Increases water intake
26 of 38
what will Low Na+, dehydration, haemorrhage do to aldosterone secretion
27 of 38
angiosterin 2 is responsible for what
stimulating aldosterone secretion from adrenal glands & cortex
28 of 38
how many times (more) over is aldosterone sodium retaining capacity than hydrocortisone?
29 of 38
Anti-mineralocorticoids, name 2 Competitive inhibitors of aldosterone
Spironolactone, Eplerenone
30 of 38
uses of Anti-mineralocorticoids: select wrong one
NA+ retaining therefore contributes to homeostasis of minerals
31 of 38
main type of hormone in Male sex hormone (androgens)?
32 of 38
name the Electron dense granules with catecholamines: with a make-up of:
Adrenaline (80%)
Noradrenaline (20%)
Adrenaline (80%)
Noradrenaline (20%)
chromatin cells
33 of 38
Each chromaffin cell receives direct innervation from which cholinergic nerve fibres
34 of 38
water soluble hormones (catecholamines) select wrong answer
35 of 38
name diseases of the Adrenal Medulla: select incorrect answer
36 of 38
mineralocorticoids regulate what? select wrong one
K+ reuptake
37 of 38
Medulla mainly produces what under stressful conditions
38 of 38
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what relation to kidneys
Card 3
adrenal glands have the Highest rate of blood flow in the body with Well supplied with blood from? select incorrect answer
Card 4
up to how many arterioles may enter each adrenal gland
Card 5
Adrenal cortex – anatomic & functional zonation- where is Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
affect mineral homeostasis present
affect mineral homeostasis present
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