Adverse possession

adverse possession: land law

  • Created by: Isabella
  • Created on: 22-05-12 00:19
During the period of adverse possession, possession is good title against all but the true owner. Case?
Asher v Whitlock
1 of 4
According to JA Pye (Oxford) v Graham, is land that has been lying dormant, but for which the registered proprietor has future plans, protected from adverse possession claims?
No longer the case unless there is support that the squatter genuinely lacked the intention to possess
2 of 4
A proviso in a letter written by squatters asking to buy land off the owners constitutes an acknowledgement of the title of the paper owner. But does a proviso saying it has no legal basis stand (Ofulue v Bossert)?
3 of 4
If a tenant encroaches and thereby adversely possesses adjoining land to his leasehold estate, his adverse possession is assumed to operate for
the benefit of his landlord in reversion
4 of 4

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Card 2


According to JA Pye (Oxford) v Graham, is land that has been lying dormant, but for which the registered proprietor has future plans, protected from adverse possession claims?


No longer the case unless there is support that the squatter genuinely lacked the intention to possess

Card 3


A proviso in a letter written by squatters asking to buy land off the owners constitutes an acknowledgement of the title of the paper owner. But does a proviso saying it has no legal basis stand (Ofulue v Bossert)?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If a tenant encroaches and thereby adversely possesses adjoining land to his leasehold estate, his adverse possession is assumed to operate for


Preview of the front of card 4


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