A signpost word, signalling a shift of focus. It grabs the readers attention and draws it to a different place in Priam's palace. Very vivid, like we are there too.
1 of 18
per tela, per hostes
the repetition of per conveys how many different threats Polites had to escape
2 of 18
porticibus longis fugit
fugit emphatically positioned at the end of the phrase to create suspense. Also reinforces the idea that he had faced many obstacles before he escaped into the courtyard.
3 of 18
lustrat saucis
saucis is placed last in the sentence and held over (enjambment) to play with the reader's expectations that Polites is safe when in fact he is wounded. Lustrat- present tense more vivid.
4 of 18
A pun on the current situation of Troy which was burning and a pun on Pyrrhus' name which means 'flame-coloured' in Greek.
5 of 18
iam iamque manu tenet et premit hasta
the repetition of iam along with the present tense verbs makes the action vivid and immediate. Two verbs in quick succession suggests the rapid pace of the action and how close Pyrrhus is to Polites.
6 of 18
ante oculos ... et ora
the tautology gives emphasis to the utter horror of Polites dying in front of his parents.
7 of 18
held over the line again in an example of enjambment to play with the readers expectations again. Leads us to believe Polites escapes and would be safe with his parents at the altar. The crucial word is unexpected and left until the next line more dramati
8 of 18
non...abstinuit nec...pepercit
Virgil tells the reader two different ways that, although his own death was imminent, Priam is bold and defiant- he has nothing to lose.
9 of 18
pro scelere...pro...ausis
the repetition of pro emphasises the strength of Priam's emotions at this point
10 of 18
Priam calls on the gods, but his plee is held over until the next line for suspense. There is nothing else he can do but call down both a curse and a prayer on Pyrrhus.
11 of 18
repetition of this same idea he had to watch his own son's death emphasises the horror and impiety of the action.
12 of 18
fecisti...foedasti funere
The alliteration of 'f' suggest Priam is spluttering with emotion and rage.
13 of 18
The word order throughout Priam's speech
The complex word order conveys very very strong emotions, reflecting the racing thoughts and grief of Priam's state of mind which increases our sympathy for him.
14 of 18
talis in hoste fuit Priamo
It is not clear until we reach Priamo, which enemy of Achilles he is referring to but Priam's purpose is to remind Pyrrhus that he should feel ashamed he does not uphold the same honour his father displayed.
15 of 18
erubuit means to blush with shame, as Achilles felt shame at his horrific treatment of Hector's body that is 'exsangue' (colour-contrast metaphor). He is reminded of the rights of a suppliant and shows honour. Virgil emphasises the dishonour of Polites.
16 of 18
Hectoreum meque
Juxtaposition reminds Pyrrhus once again of the father-son relationship
17 of 18
meguq... mea and reddidit regna remisit
alliteration darws attention to each individual word: these are Priam's final words which are made more forceful.
18 of 18
Other cards in this set
Card 2
per tela, per hostes
the repetition of per conveys how many different threats Polites had to escape
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