Aeneid Translation
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- Created by: Chloephilliips
- Created on: 11-11-17 15:38
At vero Aeneas aspectu obmutuit amens
But indeed Aeneas was struck dumb
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arrectaeque horrore comae et vox faucibus haesit.
distraught in his mind at this vision, his hair stood on end with shock and his voice stuck fast in his throat.
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ardet abire fuga dulcesque relinquere terras
He burns to get away in flight and to leave these pleasant lands
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attonitus tanto monitu imperioque deorum.
stunned by such a warning and command of the gods.
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heu quid agat? quo nunc reginam ambire furentem
Alas, what should he do? With what speech should he now dare to approach the queen in her fury?
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audeat adfatu? quae prima exordia sumat?
What opening words should he choose?
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atque animum nunc huc celerem nunc dividit illuc
And he separates his rapid mind now this way,
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in partesque rapit varias perque omnia versat.
now that and sends it in all directions and turns it through all the possibilities.
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haec alternanti potior sententia visa est:
This decision seemed the best as he weighed the alternatives:
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Mnesthea Sergestumque vocat fortemque Serestum,
he summons Mnestheus and Sergestus and brave Serestus:
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classem aptent taciti sociosque ad litora cogant,
let them get the fleet ready in silence, and bring together their companions to the shore,
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arma parent et quae rebus sit causa novandis
let them get weapons ready and let them disguise what is the reason for the altered plans.
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dissimulent; sese interea, quando optima Dido
He in the meantime, since sweetest Dido knows nothing
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nesciat et tantos rumpi non speret amores,
and does not imagine that so strong a love might be broken
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temptaturum aditus et quae mollissima fandi
will try out ways of approaching her, what times will be the softest for talking, which way will be favourable to their plans
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tempora, quis rebus dexter modus. ocius omnes
Instantly all of them obey his command with enthusiasm
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imperio laeti parent et iussa facessunt.
and hurry to carry out their orders.
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at regina dolos (quis fallere possit amantem?)
But the queen (who would be able to deceive a lover?)
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praesensit, motusque excepit prima futuros
had an intuition of his deceit, and was first to suspect his coming departure
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omnia tuta timens. eadem impia Fama furenti
fearful of everything - even when it was safe. That same shameless Rumour told her in her madness
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detulit armari classem cursumque parari.
that the fleet was being equipped, and the voyage prepared
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saevit inops animi totamque incensa per urbem
She rages, incapable of reason, and aflame she raves through all the city
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bacchatur, qualis commotis excita sacris Thyias
like some Thyiad excited by the holy emblems as they are shaken
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ubi audito stimulant trieterica Baccho
when, with the word ‘Bacchus’ having been heard
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orgia nocturnusque vocat clamore Cithaeron.
the two yearly revels arouse her, and Cithaeron in the darkness summons her with its shouting.
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tandem his Aenean compellat vocibus ultro:
Of her own accord she finally reproaches Aeneas in these words:
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‘dissimulare etiam sperasti, perfide, tantum
“Faithless one, did you really think you could hide such great wickedness
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posse nefas tacitusque mea decedere terra?
and depart from my land in silence?
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nec te noster amor nec te data dextera quondam
Does my love not hold you, nor my right hand I once gave you
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nec moritura tenet crudeli funere Dido?
nor Dido about to die a cruel death?
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quin etiam hiberno moliris sidere classem
And another thing; even in the wintry season do you build your fleet
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et mediis properas Aquilonibus ire per altum,
cruel one, and hurry through the deep in the middle of the North Winds?
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crudelis? quid, si non arva aliena domosque
Why? If you were not seeking foreign lands and unknown settlements,
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ignotas peteres, et Troia antiqua maneret,Troia per undosum peteretur classibus aequor?
but ancient Troy stood, would Troy be sought out by your ships in the surging sea?
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mene fugis? per ego has lacrimas dextramque tuam te
Is it me you run from? I beg you, by these tears, by your own right hand
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(quando aliud mihi iam miserae nihil ipsa reliqui)
(since I’ve left myself now nothing else in my misery)
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per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos
by our marriage, by the wedding we have begun
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si bene quid de te merui, fuit aut tibi quicquam
if ever I deserved well of you, or anything of me was sweet to you
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dulce meum, miserere domus labentis et istam,
pity this slipping house
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oro, si quis adhuc precibus locus, exue mentem.
and if there is room left for prayer even now, change that intention.
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dixerat. ille Iovis monitis immota tenebat
She had spoken. He, on the warnings of Jupiter, was keeping his eyes still and standing firm,
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lumina et obnixus curam sub corde premebat.
was pressing his care beneath his heart
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tandem pauca refert:
At last he replies with a few words.
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'ego te, quae plurima fando enumerare vales, numquam, regina, negabo
“I will never, queen, deny that you have deserved those very many things
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promeritam, nec me meminisse pigebit Elissae
which you are able to count in speaking nor will I regret remembering Elissa while I am mindful of myself
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dum memor ipse mei, dum spiritus hos regit artus.
while breath rules these limbs
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pro re pauca loquar. neque ego hanc abscondere furto speravi
On this matter I will speak a few words. I neither hoped to conceal this flight in stealth
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(ne finge) fugam, nec coniugis umquam praetendi taedas aut haec in foedera veni.
(don’t think that!) nor did I stretch out the wedding torches of the wife or come into this contract
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me si fata meis paterentur ducere vitam
If the fates were allowing me to lead my life under my own leadership
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auspiciis et sponte mea componere curas,
and of my own accord settle my concerns,
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urbem Troianam primum dulcisque meorum
I would first be tending the city of Troy and the sweet remains of my own people
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eliquias colerem, Priami tecta alta manerent,
and the high roofs of Priam would remain
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et recidiva manu posuissem Pergama victis.
and I would have founded Pergmon reborn by my own strength for the defeated
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sed nunc Italiam magnam Gryneus Apollo Italiam Lyciae iussere capessere sortes;
But now Gryneian Apollo has ordered me to strive for great Italy. Italy the Lycian oracles have ordered me to strive for; this is my love, this my homeland.
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hic amor, haec patria est. si te Karthaginis arces
Italy the Lycian oracles have ordered me to strive for; this is my love, this my homeland.
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Phoenissam Libycaeque aspectus detinet urbis,
If the citadels of Carthage and sight of a Libyan city occupy you, a Phoenician
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quae tandem Ausonia Teucros considere terra
what is the grudge, tell me, for Trojans to settle in the land of Ausonia?
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invidia est? et nos fas extera quaerere regna.
It is right for us too to seek foreign kingdoms
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me patris Anchisae, quotiens umentibus umbris
The agitated image of my father Anchises
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nox operit terras, quotiens astra ignea surgunt,
whenever night covers the lands with moist shadows
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admonet in somnis et turbida terret imago;
whenever fiery stars rise up, warns me in my dreams and terrifies me
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me puer Ascanius capitisque iniuria cari,
The boy Ascanius and injustice done to his dear head
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quem regno Hesperiae fraudo et fatalibus arvis.
(warns me) whom I am cheating of the kingdom of Hesperia and the destined lands.
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nunc etiam interpres divum Iove missus ab ipso
Now also the spokesman of the gods, sent by Jupiter himself
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(testor utrumque caput) celeres mandata per auras
(I swear by both heads) has brought down the orders through the swift breezes.
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detulit: ipse deum manifesto in lumine vidi
I myself saw the god clearly in the light entering the walls
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intrantem muros vocemque his auribus hausi.
and I drank up his voice with these ears.
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desine meque tuis incendere teque querelis;
Stop inflaming me and you with your complaints
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Italiam non sponte sequor.'
I do not seek Italy of my own accord.
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i, sequere Italiam ventis, pete regna per undas.
Go, make for Italy on the winds, seek kingdoms over the waves
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spero equidem mediis, si quid pia numina possunt,
For my part, I hope, if the pious spirits have any power at all
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supplicia hausurum scopulis et nomine Dido saepe vocaturum.
that you will drink deep your punishments in the middle of the rocks, and often you will call upon Dido by name.
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sequar atris ignibus absens et, cum frigida mors anima seduxerit artus,
(Though) absent I will follow (you) with black fires, and when cold death has separated my limbs from my spirit, I will be present in all places as a ghost.
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omnibus umbra locis adero. dabis, improbe, poenas.
You will be punished, wicked man.
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audiam et haec Manes veniet mihi fama sub imos.'
I will hear and this report will come to me in the deepest Underworld.
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his medium dictis sermonem abrumpit et auras
With these words, she broke off mid-speech and sick
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aegra fugit seque ex oculis avertit et aufert,
fled the air and turned herself from his eyes and took herself away
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linquens multa metu cunctantem et multa parantem
leaving him trying many things, in fear, and preparing to say many things
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dicere. suscipiunt famulae conlapsaque membra
Her maidservants took her up and took her collapsed limbs
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marmoreo referunt thalamo stratisque reponunt.
back to her marble bedchamber and put her on the blankets.
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At pius Aeneas, quamquam lenire dolentem
But pious Aeneas, although he wanted to soothe the grieving woman by comforting her,
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solando cupit et dictis avertere curas,
and to turn away her cares with his words
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multa gemens magnoque animum labefactus amore
groaning much and his heart shaken by great love,
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iussa tamen divum exsequitur classemque revisit.
however carries out the orders of the gods and visits his fleet again.
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inter quas Phoenissa recens a vulnere Dido
Among these women the Phoenician Dido, fresh from her wound
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errabat silva in magna; quam Troius heros ut primum iuxta stetit agnovitque per umbras
was wandering in a great wood; the Trojan hero, as soon as he stood near, recognised her, dark through the shadows
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obscuram, qualem primo qui surgery mense aut videt aut vidisse putat per nubila lunam,
like a man who sees or thinks he has seen the moon rising through the clouds at the start of the month
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demisit lacrimas dulcique adfatus amore est:
he let his tears flow and spoke to her with sweet love:
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'infelix Dido, verus mihi nuntius ergo
“Unhappy Dido, so the news that had come to me was true
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venerat exstinctam ferroque extrema secutam?
that you had been killed and had sought death by the sword?
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funeris heu tibi causa fui? per sidera iuro,
Alas, was I the cause of your death?
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per superos et si qua fides tellure sub ima est,
I swear by the stars, by the powers above,
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invitus, regina, tuo de litore cessi.
and if there is any faith under the deep earth, unwillingly, queen, did I depart from your shore.
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sed me iussa deum, quae nunc has ire per umbras,
But the orders of the gods, which compel me now to go through these shades
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per loca senta situ cogunt noctemque profundam,
through the places rough with neglect and deep night
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imperiis egere suis; nec credere quivi
droved me by their commands; and I could not believe that I was bringing such great grief to you with my departure
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hunc tantum tibi me discessu ferre dolorem.
Stop in your steps and don’t withdraw yourself from my sight.
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siste gradum teque aspectu ne subtrahe nostro.quem fugis? extremum fato quod te adloquor hoc est.'
Whom do you flee? This is the last time by fate that I address you.”
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talibus Aeneas ardentem et torva tuentem
With such words Aeneas was trying to soften the blazing woman,
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illa solo fixos oculos aversa tenebat
watching him fiercely, and he was trying to stir her heart with tears.
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nec magis incepto vultum sermone movetur
She was keeping her eyes fixed on the ground, turned away
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quam si dura silex aut stet Marpesia cautes.
nor was her expression moved at the beginning of his speech, than if hard flint were standing there or the Marpesian rocks
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tandem corripuit sese atque inimica refugit
At last she took herself off and, hostile, fled away into the shadowy grove,
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in nemus umbriferum, coniunx ubi pristinus illi
where her former husband replied to her suffering,
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respondet curis aequatque Sychaeus amorem.
and Sychaeus matched her love
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nec minus Aeneas casu percussus iniquo
Aeneas was no less struck by her unfair fate
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prosequitur lacrimis longe et miseratur euntem.
and he followed her far with his tears and pitied her as she went.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
distraught in his mind at this vision, his hair stood on end with shock and his voice stuck fast in his throat.
arrectaeque horrore comae et vox faucibus haesit.
Card 3
He burns to get away in flight and to leave these pleasant lands

Card 4
stunned by such a warning and command of the gods.

Card 5
Alas, what should he do? With what speech should he now dare to approach the queen in her fury?

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