Aetiology of oral cancer: alcohol and tobacco

why does smoking cause cancer
cancer causing chemical: tar, CO, acrolein, arsenic
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how does arecoline and tannins and lime (calcium hydroxide ) cause damage
arecoline- stimulate collagen synthesis by 170%. Tannins increase the resistance of collagen degradation
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what do ecigs do
evidence that the nicotine in ecigs increase BP, HR and thickens coronary arteries .
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Why may alcohol cause oral cancer
alcohol is metabolised to acetaldehyde- known mutagen and carcinogen . it is metabolised in salivary glands, mucosa, oral bacteria hence exposure to acetaldehyde
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why may alcohol cause oral cancer talk about folate, retinoids
Alcohol may give rise to a ↓ in folate absorption. ↓ retinoic acid concentrations due to increased metabolism by the cytochrome P4502E1 system. Retinoids (vitamin A and its derivatives) induce cellular growth, differentiation and apoptosis and hence
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hence can potentially protect against carcinogenesis
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what are the daily and weekly limits
daily: F AND M 2 units. Weekly: both genders 14 units
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why was the alcohol limit lower for women
Women’s bodies have higher proportion of body fat and less water than men thus conc. of alcohol in body water is higher • Hence women affected more quickly. Even if same weight +drink the same ,blood alcohol level 1/3 ↑ cf Men • Will take 1/3 longer
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Will take 1/3 longer to eliminate the alcohol • Alcohol dependence and related medical problems, such as brain and liver damage, progress more rapidly in women than in men
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how many units in a pint of beer 4.5% and standard glass of wine
2.5 units. standard glass of wine2.5
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how to calculate units
%alcohol by volume (ABV) X volume (ml) / 1000 = Units of alcohol
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what is the alcohol risk pathway
ask, raise, provide
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


how does arecoline and tannins and lime (calcium hydroxide ) cause damage


arecoline- stimulate collagen synthesis by 170%. Tannins increase the resistance of collagen degradation

Card 3


what do ecigs do


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why may alcohol cause oral cancer


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why may alcohol cause oral cancer talk about folate, retinoids


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