Aggravated Burglary

  • Created by: Edward
  • Created on: 18-02-16 10:47
Francis (1982)
defs only guilty if they had the weapon with them at the moment they stole (unless they intended to steal when they had the weapons on them)
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Kelly (1993)
if the def has the article with him in order to injure somebody, he will have the requisite intention
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Stones (1989)
it is enough that the def intended to use it should the need arise-he does not have to intend to use it during the course of the burglary
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Card 2


if the def has the article with him in order to injure somebody, he will have the requisite intention


Kelly (1993)

Card 3


it is enough that the def intended to use it should the need arise-he does not have to intend to use it during the course of the burglary


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