Give an example of a biological explanation theory of Aggression?
Charlse Whitman, shot his mum and wife and then climbed a clock tower and shot 12 people. He had asked for help for these violent urges. post mortam showed tumour pressing on Amygdala.
1 of 10
What chemical and hormone is said to effect aggression?
Testosterone and seritonin.
2 of 10
What is Freuds explanation of aggression? Psychodynamic theory.
Self destruct instinct THANTOS. Thantos conflicts with Libido (life instinct). Ego manages these conflicts by directing outwards.
3 of 10
How does Freud say we direct our anger outwards? 3 ways.
Sublimination eg sport, Displacement eg dirrecting at some one or something, and Catharsis eg watching someone else being aggressive.
4 of 10
What is the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis?
Aggression is caused by frustration which leads to aggression.
5 of 10
Why may people not show aggression? (3)
Think its wrong, Learnt not to show it, Fear.
6 of 10
Give an example of the Socail Learning Explanation theory?
Bobo doll, Adult acting aggressive towards doll. Child copied more often when behavour was reinforced and boys more than girls.
7 of 10
How can you possible REDUCE AGGRESSION using the biological approach? (2)
Surgery, medication
8 of 10
How could you possibly REDUCE AGGRESSION using the pyschodynamic approach?(3)
Sublimination, displacement and catharsis.
9 of 10
How could you possible REDUCE AGGRESSION using the social learning theory?(2)
models punished for aggression. no aggression cues.
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What chemical and hormone is said to effect aggression?
Testosterone and seritonin.
Card 3
What is Freuds explanation of aggression? Psychodynamic theory.
Card 4
How does Freud say we direct our anger outwards? 3 ways.
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