Which choreographer was JR introduced to when he was 18?
Senia Gluck Sandor
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Which ballet choroegrapher did he dance for in his early life (ballet)?
George Balanchine
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In 1939, JR joined which ballet company?
Ballet Theatre (now American Ballet Theatre)
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What was his first piece of choreography?
Fancy Free (1944)
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What were the characteristics of Fancy Free?
All-American, exuberant, dramatically expressive, natural and spontaneous movement
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What was the story of Fancy Free?
Three sailors on leave in NYC trying to pick up girls and dancing competitively to win them.
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What did Fancy Free become?
On The Town (1945), a Broadway musical with the same story.
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Describe Fiddler on the Roof.
(1964) An emotional return to his own (Jewish) cultural and religious background. Celebrates marriage, tradition and family
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Why was West Side Story different compared to other AJD works of the time?
It broke ground: WSS had a serious subjct matter and used dance to convey setting, character and plot development.
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Name some central themes of JR's works:
The nature of communities: gangs, villages, tribes, groups of friends, urban socities and neighbourhoods | Relationships in these communities: friendship, animosity, competitive rivalry and love.
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How did he change AJD musicals?
He made them rich, detailed and dramatic and gave them a meaningful story.
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How did the final performances of JR works differ from those of the time?
His works had a 'marked' look/style; at the time most other works were polished and full out.
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How did he change AJD?
Made works meaningful with narratives and themes, merged ballet, jazz and social dance which helped the genre evolve and made performances less full out/polished and more 'marked' which was different to previous AJD works.
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Card 2
Which ballet choroegrapher did he dance for in his early life (ballet)?
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