Algebra crossword 0.0 / 5 ? MathematicsAlgebraGCSEEdexcel Created by: Bangout24Created on: 15-06-19 17:06 Like terms contain the same Variable 1 of 11 Binomial expansion reversal Factorisation 2 of 11 Reverse factorising Expanding brackets 3 of 11 A group of terms with no equals Expression 4 of 11 Highest common F Factor 5 of 11 Two termed expression Binomial 6 of 11 Sequence with a squared nth term Quadratic sequence 7 of 11 A statement that two expressions are equal Equation 8 of 11 Plus, subtract and multiply are Operations 9 of 11 Collecting like terms Simplifying 10 of 11 Finding the value of a variable Solving 11 of 11
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