Alkali metals 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryChemical patterns and reactivity seriesGCSEWJEC Created by: kateCreated on: 18-05-13 11:25 physical properties of alkali metals dull on outside, inside is shiny, low density, low melting and boiling point 1 of 7 what do alkali metals react with? oxygen and water 2 of 7 what does oxygen cause the surface of an alkali metal to do? turn dull by forming a layer of oxide 3 of 7 metal with water creates.. hydrogen 4 of 7 what do alkali metals do when they react with water? fizzes 5 of 7 what does sodium do when it reacts with water? moves quicker and has a ball shape 6 of 7 what does potassium do when it reacts with water? moves quicker and produces a lilac flame 7 of 7
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