ALS - Lecture 4 - Infection 0.0 / 5 ? NursingInfectionUniversityAll boards Created by: zoemcdCreated on: 16-10-23 16:07 Microorganism Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye 1 of 17 Pathogen Microorganisms that cause disease 2 of 17 Infection the presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues 3 of 17 Symbiosis Benefits human and doesn't harm the microorgansim 4 of 17 Mutualism benefits human and microorganism 5 of 17 commensalism benefits microorganism and doesn't harm the human 6 of 17 Pathogenicity benefits microorganism and harms the human 7 of 17 opportunism a benign microorganism becomes pathogenic because of decreased human host resistance 8 of 17 The four stages of progression (infection) 1. Colonisation 2. Invasion 3. Multiplication 4. Spread 9 of 17 The four stages of the Clincial infectious disease process 1. Incubation period 2. Prodromal stage 3. Invasion period 4. Convalescence 10 of 17 Pyrexia rise in body temperature above the normal (37.2 c) 11 of 17 Pyrexia is not... ... a failure of the body to regulate temperature 12 of 17 The body's thermostat is regulated by... ... the hypothalamus 13 of 17 Exogeneous pyrogens derived from outside the host 14 of 17 Endogenous pyrogens produced by individual 15 of 17 The four classes of infectous microorganisms 1. Bacterial infection 2. Viral infection 3. Fungal infection 4. Parasitic & protozoal infection 16 of 17 3 countermeasures against pathogens 1. Infection control measures 2. Antimicrobials 3. Active immunisation 17 of 17
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