American West Dates 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe American West 1840-1895GCSEEdexcel Created by: IzzyCobbCreated on: 15-06-20 11:41 1825 Explorer Jedediah Smith shares discovery of the south pass through the Rocky Mountains 1 of 26 1830 Indian Removal Act- forces indians in easten states to move west of the mississippi river 2 of 26 1834 Indian Trade and Intercouse Act- sets out the frontier between the USA and indian territory 3 of 26 1836 The fist migrants to travel the Oregon Trail by wagon to reach their destination 4 of 26 1837 Financial Crisis casuses economic depression- people lose savings, wages are cut and unemployment increases. Wheat prices fall; many farmers face ruin 5 of 26 1841 Government- Funded expadition maps the Oregon Trail and publishes guide books for migrants 6 of 26 1846 Donner Party left missouri for California, Governor of Illinois tells Mormons to leave the state, Mormon migration 7 of 26 1848 US victory in the Mexican-American warand gold is discovered in California 8 of 26 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty, Indian Appropriations Act- money allocated for setting up indian reservations in modern day Oklahoma 9 of 26 1858-59 Gold is discovered in the Rocky Mountains 10 of 26 1861-1865 Civil War, Texas Fever 11 of 26 1862 The Homestead Act, Little Crows War 12 of 26 1864 The Sand Creek Massacre 13 of 26 1866-68 Red Clouds War 14 of 26 1867 Railroad reaches Abilene 15 of 26 1868 President Grants peace policy 16 of 26 1869 The first Transcontinental Railroad 17 of 26 1870 ' Beef Bonanza' and rise of the Cattle Barons 18 of 26 1874 Gold is discovered in the Black Hills (Dakota) 19 of 26 1876 The Battle of the Little Big Horn 20 of 26 1876-1895 New tecnologies and methoods to farming on the plains 21 of 26 1879 The Exoduster Movement 22 of 26 1886 The end of open ranches and the begining to smaller ranches 23 of 26 1890s Problems facing farming/ farmes in the west had become manageable 24 of 26 1892 The Wounded Knee Massacre 25 of 26 1892 The Johnson County War 26 of 26
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