American West: Key Stats and Figures 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryAmerica - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Cat StottCreated on: 16-06-18 23:24 Homestead Act 160 Acres, increased, 1862 1 of 28 Homestead Issues Locusts, thunder storms 2 of 28 Homestead farming techniques Barbed wire, dry farming, Russian Red Wheat 3 of 28 Pacific Railroad 1862 $16,000-48,000 per mile 4 of 28 Morril Land Grant 1862 5 of 28 Track laid 1,700 km of track (promontory point), 1,100 KM 6 of 28 1,4000 Km by 1990 7 of 28 Texas Cow Boom 5 million, x 10 more in the North, 8 of 28 Abaline 6-10 million cattle 9 of 28 Travel reduction time 6 months to 6 days 10 of 28 Comstock Lode 1859, $350 million 11 of 28 Montana + Washington 1889, Copper 12 of 28 Pike's Peak 1858 13 of 28 Idaho and Wyoming 1890 14 of 28 How many sheep by 1900 2 million 15 of 28 Black Hills 1870s 16 of 28 Mining strikes and the economy boosted pop x 3 and value of manufacturers by 3% 17 of 28 Pop. Growth 1800-1840 387,000-7 million 18 of 28 April 1861 Fort Sumter - Naval blockade 19 of 28 Bull Run July 1862: Stonewall Jackson = Confed. defeat 20 of 28 Shiloh April 1862: 13,000 Union and 10,000 Confed. Soldiers - Confed. win 21 of 28 Antietam September 1862: Lee's army stopped, Union forces leave 26,000 dead - lee retreats to Virginia 22 of 28 Gettysburg 1863: Lee defeated by failure of Pickett's charge 23 of 28 Vicksburg July 1863: Confed. stronghold gives way to grant after 6 week seige 24 of 28 Draft Riots July 1863: 120 killed, 2 mil in damage 25 of 28 March Through Georgia 1864: Sherman leaves 300 mile long path of destruction w. 62,000 men 26 of 28 Petersburgh March-April 1865: Lee launches final attack against Grant's forces and is crushed, evacuate 27 of 28 Surrenders April 9th Confed. Army melts away as forces desert 28 of 28
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