American West

  • Created by: Frank16
  • Created on: 01-04-15 13:47
Where did cattle ranching first start?
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At the beginning of cattle ranching the ranches were manned by Mexican Cowboys. What were they called?
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What happened in 1836 involving cattle ranching?
Texan ranchers drove many Vaqueros out and claimed the cattle left behind
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How can you link the American civil war to the beginning of cattle ranching?
The Texans went off to fight and they left there cattle to roam free. On returning home they found there herds to be massive.
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What year did the American civil war start?
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Name two places that cattle ranchers would sell their cattle
New Orleans and California
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What was the famous quote that Brigham Young said in relation to Salt Lake city?
If there is a place on this earth that nobody wants, that's the place I'm looking for
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What were the names of the two Texan ranchers who pioneered a second trail to Denver?
Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving
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Who won the contract to supply beef to the Native Americans and it what year did he do so?
John Iliff in 1868
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What did Joseph McCoy do?
Set up set up Abilene the first 'Cow-town' and set up a safe drive called the Chisholm Trail
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Who was the first rancher to set up an 'open range' ranch? Where was this open range ranch? What year was it set up?
John Iliff - Wyoming - 1867
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Define Open Range
Huge areas of unfenced land which was free for anyone to use
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What is the crazy quilt? And who invented it?
You buy small patches of land here and there so therefore you could effectively control a massive piece of land without buying all of it
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What opened up a world wide market for beef?
Refigeration cars on trains
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Name and describe 4 things that lead to the end of the open range?
Ranchers over grazed land. Overstocking lead to fall in prices. Drought spring 1886 then winter storm Jan 1887: Half the cattles on the plains died in one year. Homesteaders were coming onto the plains and fencing off their farms with barbed wire
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What was John Iliff's nickname?
Cattle king of the northern Plains
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What were the 3 underlyng factors in the development of cattle ranching?
The availiabilty of: wild cattle, wild horses and grass
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Card 2


At the beginning of cattle ranching the ranches were manned by Mexican Cowboys. What were they called?



Card 3


What happened in 1836 involving cattle ranching?


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Card 4


How can you link the American civil war to the beginning of cattle ranching?


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Card 5


What year did the American civil war start?


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