Employees are motivated by satisfied needs,needs organised in a hierarchy of Physiological-Safety-Love and belonging-Self Esteem-Self Actualisation. Lower order needs to be satisfied before higher order. C=No consideration forimpactofculture,dno e SP
1 of 5
Herzberg Two Factor Theory
Job satisfaction and Job dissatisfaction act independently of each other. Motivator factors effect satisfaction, hygiene factors effect dissatisfaction. both must be addressed to satisfy needs. MFs Recognition & status,promotion HFs -good WCs JS Wa
2 of 5
Mayo's Human Relations Theory
Hawthorne effect. Staff can be better motivated by social needs, Managers taking more interest in staff, Relates to Paternalistic Leadership
3 of 5
Frederick Taylor's Scientific Management Theory
People are motivated by Money, People respond individually and not as a group, Pay should be linked to production, People dislike work so need close supervision
4 of 5
Application of Theories in the workplace
Democratic Leadership, Provision of Social Activities, Competitive Remuneration Packages (pay,fringe benefits, contract), L&D, Teamwork, Incentives, Open Communication
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Job satisfaction and Job dissatisfaction act independently of each other. Motivator factors effect satisfaction, hygiene factors effect dissatisfaction. both must be addressed to satisfy needs. MFs Recognition & status,promotion HFs -good WCs JS Wa
Herzberg Two Factor Theory
Card 3
Hawthorne effect. Staff can be better motivated by social needs, Managers taking more interest in staff, Relates to Paternalistic Leadership
Card 4
People are motivated by Money, People respond individually and not as a group, Pay should be linked to production, People dislike work so need close supervision
Card 5
Democratic Leadership, Provision of Social Activities, Competitive Remuneration Packages (pay,fringe benefits, contract), L&D, Teamwork, Incentives, Open Communication
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