The long bones are longer than they are wide, for example the femur.
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definition of short bone
Short bones are as wide as they are long, for example the carpus
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definition of flat bone
Flat bones are broard flat plates which are used for protection, for example the cranium.
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definition of sesamoid bone
A sesamoid bone is a bone embedded with a tendon or muscle, for example the patella.
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definition of irregular bone
Irregular bones vary in size and are a fairly complex shape which helps to protect internal organs, for example the vertabrae.
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definition of osteablasts
Osteoblasts are cells that make bone by producing matrix that becomes mineralized.
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definition of osteoclasts
Osteaclasts are cells that nibble at and break down bones and are responsible for bone resorption.
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definition of epiphyseal plates
The epiphyseal plate is a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone.
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definition of agonist muscle
An agonist muscle is one that contracts while the other relaxes, for example when bending your elbow the bicep is the agonist.
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definition of antagonist muscle
An antagonist is a muscle that opposes the contrcaction of another, for example the bicep and triceps are antagonistic muscles.
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definition of synergist
An organ that acts in concert with another to enhance its effect, for example the chest and triceps work together to do a push up.
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definition of fixator
A muscle that acts as a stabilizer of one part of the body during movement of another part, for example during a bicep curl your back would act as a fixator as it stops unneccessary movement.
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defintion of hypertrophy
Hypertrophy is a term for the growth and increase of the size of muscle cells, this occurs as a result of doing exercise wuch as weight training.
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defintion of isometric contraction
Isometric contraction genrate force without changing the length of the muscle.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Short bones are as wide as they are long, for example the carpus
definition of short bone
Card 3
Flat bones are broard flat plates which are used for protection, for example the cranium.
Card 4
A sesamoid bone is a bone embedded with a tendon or muscle, for example the patella.
Card 5
Irregular bones vary in size and are a fairly complex shape which helps to protect internal organs, for example the vertabrae.
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